Noun1.azimuth- the azimuth of a celestial body is the angle between the vertical plane containing it and the plane of the meridian AZ angle- the space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radians ...
The meaning of AZIMUTH is an arc of the horizon measured between a fixed point (such as true north) and the vertical circle passing through the center of an object usually in astronomy and navigation clockwise from the north point through 360 degrees.
Astronomy, Navigation.the arc of the horizon measured clockwise from the south point, in astronomy, or from the north point, in navigation, to the point where a vertical circle through a given heavenly body intersects the horizon. Surveying, Gunnery.the angle of horizontal deviation, measured clo...
Definition of azimuth noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary azimuth noun /ˈæzɪməθ/ /ˈæzɪməθ/(astronomy) an angle related to a distance around the earth’s horizon, used to find out the position of a star, planet, etc. Word Origin Join us Join ...
[navigation] In navigation, the horizontal angle, measured in degrees, between a reference line drawn from a point and another line drawn from the same point to a point on the celestial sphere. Normally, the reference line points true north, and the angle is measured clockwise from the refere...
Azimuth more ... A horizontal angle measured clockwise from North
Sponsored Links Dictionary definition of the word azimuth The meaning of azimuth azimuth 1 definition of the word azimuth. Noun The azimuth of a celestial body is the angle between the vertical plane containing it and the plane of the meridian ...
Define Azimuth dial. Azimuth dial synonyms, Azimuth dial pronunciation, Azimuth dial translation, English dictionary definition of Azimuth dial. a dial whose stile or gnomon is at right angles to the plane of the horizon. See also: Azimuth Webster's Revi
The azimuth angle is the coplanar angle between a line pointing due south (in the northern hemisphere) and a line pointing toward the sun as seen from a stationary point. From: Solar Energy Storage, 2015 About this pageSet alert Discover other topics On this page Definition Chapters and Artic...
沪江词库精选azimuth deviation是什么意思、英语单词推荐 方位偏差 相似短语 azimuth deviation 方位偏差 no deviation 【经】 不改变预定航线 azimuth angle n.方位角 azimuth axis 方位轴线 azimuth calibrator 方位定标器,方位角校准器 azimuth gyroscope 方位陀螺仪 azimuth observation 方位角观测 azimuth ...