Delete a role management policy assignment Update-AzPolicyAssignment This operation updates a policy assignment with the given scope and name. Policy assignments apply to all resources contained within their scope. For example, when you assign a policy at resource group scope, that policy applies ...
Delete a role management policy assignment Update-AzPolicyAssignment This operation updates a policy assignment with the given scope and name. Policy assignments apply to all resources contained within their scope. For example, when you assign a policy at resource group scope, that policy applies to...
One of the first steps you should take in troubleshooting a problem with the Az PowerShell module is to enable debug logging. To enable debug logging on a per command basis, specify theDebugparameter. Azure PowerShell Get-AzResource-Name'DoesNotExist'-Debug ...
Remove-AzNetworkProfile-ResourceGroupName<String>-Name<String> [-Force] [-AsJob] [-PassThru] [-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell複製 Remove-AzNetworkProfile-ResourceId<String> [-Force] [-AsJob] [-PassThru] [-DefaultProfile <IAzure...
If you choose not to add AzCopy to your path, you'll have to change directories to the location of your AzCopy executable and typeazcopyor.\azcopyin Windows PowerShell command prompts. Frequently asked questions What is the difference betweensyncandcopy?
例子 ./ [OPTION(only one)] [STRING/FILENAME] -h 显示此帮助屏幕 -f 在...
With PowerShell The following PowerShell command will add anexpireOntag with the value "2019-08-29" to the resource nameddemoWebsitein the resource groupsummerDemo. Set-AzResource-ResourceId (Get-AzResource-ResourceGroupName summerDemo-Name demoWebsite).ResourceId-Tag@{expireOn="2019-08-29"}...
Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBoundary.Models Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBoundary.Runtime Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBoundary.Runtime.Cmdlets Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBoundary.Runtime.Json Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBoundary.Runtime.PowerShell Micros...
PowerShell # Opt out soft delete while creating a key vaultNew-AzKeyVault-VaultName'Contoso03Vault'-ResourceGroupName'Group14'-Location'East US'-DisableSoftDelete After The ability to update soft-delete setting is deprecated in Az.KeyVault 3.0.0.Read more ...
delete for private link scoped resource Remove-AzLogProfile Removes a log profile. Remove-AzMetricAlertRuleV2 Removes a V2 (non-classic) metric alert rule. Remove-AzMonitorWorkspace Delete a workspace Remove-AzPipelineGroup Delete a pipeline group instance. Remove-AzScheduledQueryRule Deletes a...