How one mom used the ancient, whole-body healing system to ease common childhood illnesses. Urszula Bunting Updated Nov 10, 2021 Seasonal Health 3 Energy-Boosting Breathing Practices for Kapha Season Feel more alert and serene with these pranayama techniques that are perfect for spring. YJ ...
Kapha is responsible for the structure of the body and controls the moist tissues. It’s main functions are support, nourishment, lubrication, strength, stamina and physical growth. Kapha type people tend to have a heavy, sturdy frame with large bones. They have sweet, gentle natures, are cal...
& stiffness of body hence increases flexibility. Recommended for obesity, Body ache & Joint pain. Athletes, wrestlers and swimmers experience the advantage of pottali especially after prolonged exercise. 5. SHIRODHARA / TAKRADHARA: It is the process of pouring warm medicated oil or milk or butter...
Since spring is Kapha season and the Kapha body type is generally heavier, we can look to Kapha balancing lifestyle tips for guidance in weight loss. Remember if someone is slighter in build and type, then the Kapha suggestions should be balanced accordingly. Some of the recommendations for K...
Depending on the dosha type, you will receive a diet that meets your needs. For Kapha types, for example, this is rice broth, Vata types can count on soups and smaller meals. The Ayurveda fasting programs are supplemented with relaxing treatments and light exercise sessions. Corresponding ...
differs from the modern system of medicine. It is based on five great element theories (air, fire, water, earth and sky) and the dosha concept (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). It's the unbalanced doshas that cause diseases and ailments in our body.We are offering online Ayurveda consultation as...
Kapha— Kapha controls growth in the body and is considered the nourishing dosha. It supplies moisturize to the cells and organs and helps keep a strong immune system. Kaphas are known for being grounded, supportive, loving and forgiving when in balance — almost like a motherly type. However...
Exercise during the cooler part of the day Kapha Types Kapha is formed from Earth and Water and is the energy that forms the body's structure--bones, muscles, tendons--and provides the "glue" that holds the cells together. Kapha supplies the water for all bodily parts and systems. It lu...
According to Ayurvedic theory, elements combine in the body to form three life forces called doshas. The doshas are vata, kapha, and pitta. An individual's unique mix of the three doshas is thought to predispose them to certain diseases and influence disease progression and treatment.2 ...
These doshas are “vaata,” (वात, associated with the qualities dry, cold, light, minute and movement) “pitta” (पित्त, associated with the qualities heat, moistness, liquidity and sharpness and sourness) and “kapha” (कफ, associated with the qualities heaviness...