A considerable number of patients at clinical high risk of psychosis (CHR) are found to meet criteria for co-morbid clinical psychiatric disorders. It is not known how clinical diagnoses correspond to transitions to psychosis (TTP). We aimed to examine distributions of life-time and current Axis...
Dependent personality 2 (5.0) 1 (4.3) 1.0 3 (4.8) 2.2 Psychiatric assessment Psychiatric interviews were conducted by physicians, who were trained to use the instruments. Current (previous month) and life-time DSM-IV [33] diagnoses of axis I disorders were made on clinical basis with the...
for Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD), and 26 outpatients meeting DSM-III criteria for Dsythymic Disorder as well as DSM-III criteria for some other type of Axis II disorder (dysthymic OPD) was assessed blind to clinical diagnosis using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III (SCID)....
Methods: 101 consecutive outpatients receiving a diagnosis of depressive disorder and a codiagnosis of personality disorder were included. Patients were assessed using: a semistructured interview for demographic and clinical features; the Structured Interview for DSM-IV (SCID); Hamilton scales for ...
Thirty-one percent had a diagnosis of pedophilia and 18% of a paraphilia not otherwise specified (NOS). Thirty-three percent had a sexual disorder NOS, characterized by hypersexuality. Seventy percent of the total sample had an Axis I disorder that antedated and was judged to be contributory ...
Relationship of the Borderline Symptom List to DSM-IV Borderline Personality Disorder Criteria Assessed by Semi-Structured Interview Catherine R. Glenn, Psychopathology, 2009 Clinical Components of Borderline Personality Disorder and Personality Functioning Marc Ferrer, Psychopathology, 2018 Comorbidity of Border...
The “limma” package in R language (version, 3.6.1) was used to screen differential expression genes (DEGs). The criteria of DEGs were as follows: FDR < 0.05, |log2FC| > 2. SPSS 20.0 software (IBM, Armonk, NY) was used for statistical analysis. The significance of the dif...
The diagnosis criteria included a pathological lateral canal paresis during caloric testing (mean of 94.4%, standard error of the mean (sem) of 3.0%, the upper 95% limit for healthy controls is 30%), as well as a pathological lateral vHIT gain (less than 0.74) corresponding to the ...
1 Department of Life Sciences, University of Siena, 53100 Siena, Italy 2 Department of Molecular and Developmental Medicine, Division of Prenatal Diagnosis and Obstetrics, University of Siena, 53100 Siena, Italy 3 Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Turin, 10124 Turin, ...
The DSM-IV-TR differs from the DSM-IV because symptom criteria were changed for certain mental disorders involving psychosis, as well as the addition of guidelines for diagnosing an individual who met criteria for more than one mental health diagnosis. Understanding the Axis Diagnosis in DSM IV ...