Aws::Crt::Io::TlsContextOptions tlsCtxOptions = Aws::Crt::Io::TlsContextOptions::InitDefaultClient(); tlsCtxOptions.OverrideDefaultTrustStore(nullptr,"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"); Now my S3 crt client does not crash but it is still NOT using my overriden CA file. From logs: [T...
On Windows 10 the S3Crt client will not send requests when SSL is enabled. The issue lies where the system is not processing certificates specifically in this case self signed ones in the local windows certification store. In effect I am struggling to load a custom cert similar to this githu...
Introduce new dependency: aws-crt-cpp 4年前 Source code reorganization and cmake version bump 2年前 CMakeLists.txt Update CRT to v0.30.1 8天前 divided the Readme into different docs (#633) 5年前
This example demonstrates how to use theS3CrtClient. The example creates a bucket, uploads an object, downloads the object, then deletes the file and the bucket. A PUT operation turns into a multipart upload. A GET operation turns into multiple "ranged" GET requests. For more information on...
Using TransferManager for Amazon S3 operations Using S3CrtClient for Amazon S3 operations Amazon SQS examples Working with Amazon SQS Message Queues Sending, Receiving, and Deleting Amazon SQS Messages Enabling Long Polling for Amazon SQS Message Queues Setting Visibility Timeout in Amazon SQS Using Dea... S3 Control APIs. Proxy Scheme, Host, Port, User Name, and Password These settings allow you to configure a proxy for all communication with AWS. Examples of when this functionality might be useful include debugging in conj...
s3 s3-crt s3-encryption s3control s3outposts sagemaker sagemaker-a2i-runtime sagemaker-edge sagemaker-featurestore-runtime sagemaker-geospatial sagemaker-metrics sagemaker-runtime savingsplans scheduler schemas sdb secretsmanager securityhub securitylake serverlessrepo service-quotas servicecatalog service...
Aws::S3Crt::Model::ServerSideEncryption::NOT_SETthrowsInvalidArgument Message: The encryption method specified is not supported SDK version number 1.9.97 Platform/OS/Hardware/Device Linux/CentOS 7 To Reproduce (observed behavior) Get S3 CRT AWS example from
Reimplemented from smithy::client::AwsSmithyClientT< Aws::ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI::SERVICE_NAME, Aws::ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI::ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIClientConfiguration, smithy::SigV4AuthSchemeResolver<>, Aws::Crt::Variant< smithy::SigV4AuthScheme >, ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIEndpointProviderBase, smi...
The goal is build only s3-crt on custom toolchain Run Cmake in out of source directory: cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=/devroot/tool/ninja -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/devroot/3rdparty/version.cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/devroot/3rdparty/build_4.5/linux-llvm-x86_64/lib/.. -D...