使用AWS SDK for C++(aws-sdk-cpp)上传文件到Amazon S3存储桶是一个常见的操作。以下是完成此任务的详细步骤,包括代码示例: 1. 安装和配置aws-sdk-cpp 首先,你需要安装AWS SDK for C++。你可以通过CMake来构建和安装这个库。请按照AWS官方文档中的指导进行安装和配置。 bash # 假设你已经安装了CMake和必要的...
另外我在电脑里clientConfiguration.cpp也没有找到 所以最简单的方法,直接在电脑环境变量加上就好 4.参考 c++ - Aws::S3::S3Client constructor very slow - Stack Overflow Performance Degradation because of EC2 Metadata Client · Issue #1511 · aws/aws-sdk-cpp (github.com) Severe Performance Degradation ...
wget http://www.cmake.org/files/v3.2/cmake-3.2.1.tar.gz 解压缩并编译安装 tar -zxvf cmake-3.2.1.tar.gz cd cmake-3.2.1./bootstrap make make install 回到顶部 参考资料 1. Building the AWS SDK for C++ on Linux/macOS
inline The unique identifier (ID) of the resource policy. Definition at line 52 of file ResourcePolicySummary.h. The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: generated/src/aws-cpp-sdk-organizations/include/aws/organizations/model/ResourcePolicySummary.hGenerated...
1、从本页面搜索aws-cpp-sdk-core.dll文件,下载并拷贝到指定目录。一般是system系统目录或放到软件同级目录里。确保对 32 位程序使用 32 位 DLL,对 64 位程序使用 64 位 DLL。否则可能会导致 0xc000007b 错误。 1.1)如果是操作系统的dll文件,需要检查下载的dll文件版本和系统版本是否匹配,如: ...
make[2]: *** [aws-cpp-sdk-core/CMakeFiles/aws-cpp-sdk-core.dir/build.make:238: aws-cpp-sdk-core/CMakeFiles/aws-cpp-sdk-core.dir/source/client/AWSErrorMarshaller.cpp.o] Error 1 make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs... cc1...
The AWS SDK for C++ has a dependency on cJSON. This dependency was updated to version 1.7.14 in the recent SDK updates. We would recommend to upgrade your SDK to version 1.9.67 for 1.9.x or 1.8.187 for 1.8.x. Thank @dkalinowski for reporting this issue: aws/aws-sdk-cpp#1594 Jump...
Existing users: If you’ve already downloaded source code for SDK for C++, e.g. in directoryaws-sdk-cpp, you can update the git submodule by: cd aws-sdk-cpp git checkout main git pull origin main git submodule update --init --recursive ...
在国内要git clone aws-sdk-cpp.git肯定是慢的,可以将重要的子模块下载下来,我是通过下载包之后,一个个服务对了一遍,只留下核心重要的。 同样,还是会遇到编译问题 /usr/local/aws-c-event-stream/cmake/static/@PROJECT_NAME@-targets.cmake 我是直接修改了aws-c-event-stream-config.cmake文件, ...
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-cpp Create your build directory. Replace <BUILD_DIR> with your build directory name: Build the project: cd <BUILD_DIR> cmake <path-to-root-of-this-source-code> \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path...