Learn aboutAmazon S3(Simple Storage Service),creating a bucket in AWS S3and thenhosting a static websiteor static contents in the storage area. 1. What is AWS S3 The Amazon S3 is an easy-to-useobject storeand one of the oldest services on AWS platform. Amazon S3 is an acronym forAmazo...
1、首先是判断s3-bucket有没有开启静态网站托管,即页面上的Static website hosting的值Enabled|Disabled 可以通过ResponseMetadata=S3client.get_bucket_website(Bucket=Name)看是否会抛出异常,如果一个s3 bucket没有开启静态网站则会输出 botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration) ...
aws amplify start-deployment --appId APP_ID --branchName BRANCH_NAME --sourceUrlType=BUCKET_PREFIX --sourceUrl s3://S3_BUCKET/S3_PREFIX Bash After Amplify Hosting generates a URL for my website, I can optionally configure a custom domain for my static website. To do that, I navigate ...
In this lesson, you will learn how to host a static website on Amazon S3. I will show you how to create the buckets, create the bucket policy to allow public access and point your own custom DNS name to the website. Go to S3 service, create tow buckets: static.zhentian.fi --> pu...
Hosting a static website on Amazon S3 is extremely easy, and on top of that it’s actually (in our opinion) pretty cheap too! Amazon offers a “free usage tier” for the first year and as long as you stay under a certain amount of usage, you don’t have to pay for the GET and...
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) 除了用于对象存储之外还可用于托管静态网站,无需 Web 服务器(S3成本极低)。利用S3 存储桶Website hosting功能,可用于快速托管整个静态网站的 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 文件。优势 性能:S3托管网站将具有高性能和可扩展性,成本仅为传统 Web 服务器的一小部分。可扩展...
接下来以单机Web游戏为例,为大家介绍如何快速在S3上搭建静态网站。 1. 事先准备 ① AWS可登录账户。 ② 静态网站所需HTML,JS,CSS等文件。在开源网站https://gscode.in/javascript-games-code/上下载的Tower Blocks游戏源代码。 2. 登录AWS进入S3服务创建名为staticwebhosting2020的存储桶,解除【组织所有公开访问...
在AWS S3创建存储桶 首先创建一个bucket,命名为你的域名,比如“example.com”,取消Block all public access。如图 在bucket的Properties页,激活Static website hosting: 在bucket的Permissions页设置Bucket Policy: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ ...
几步简单设置就可以配置一个静态网站。 1、点击存储桶名称前面的复选框,会弹出一个属性框,选择 "Permissions" 屏幕快照 2019-07-01 17.17.47.png 2、在Properties页面,选择"Static website hosting", 输入inxex document的名称,这个名称随意,一般用inxex.html, 待会把同样名称的文件上传上去。
您的 URL 应为http://BUCKET_NAME.s3-website.REGION.amazonaws.com或 (具体取决于区域)http://BUCKET_NAME.s3-website-REGION.amazonaws.com。如果您想查看确切的 URL,可以Static website hosting在Properties存储桶的选项卡下找到它。编辑 部署您的网站 现在我们只需要通过 GitHub Actions 构建并部署我们的...