Learn aboutAmazon S3(Simple Storage Service),creating a bucket in AWS S3and thenhosting a static websiteor static contents in the storage area. 1. What is AWS S3 The Amazon S3 is an easy-to-useobject storeand one of the oldest services on AWS platform. Amazon S3 is an acronym forAmazo...
您的 URL 应为http://BUCKET_NAME.s3-website.REGION.amazonaws.com或 (具体取决于区域)http://BUCKET_NAME.s3-website-REGION.amazonaws.com。如果您想查看确切的 URL,可以Static website hosting在Properties存储桶的选项卡下找到它。编辑 部署您的网站 现在我们只需要通过 GitHub Actions 构建并部署我们的网...
bucket arn arn:arn:aws:s3:::bucketname bucket url: http://s3-regionname.amazonaws.com/bucketname static web hosting: http://bucketname.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com, cheap, scales automatically, static site only S3 used to store data in alphabetical order HTTP 400 for MissingSe...
1. 事先准备 ① AWS可登录账户。 ② 静态网站所需HTML,JS,CSS等文件。在开源网站https://gscode.in/javascript-games-code/上下载的Tower Blocks游戏源代码。 2. 登录AWS进入S3服务创建名为staticwebhosting2020的存储桶,解除【组织所有公开访问】(全世界就可以访问我们的网站了。),点击【创建存储桶】 3. 点击...
[AWS S3] Hosting a Static Website on Amazon S3 In this lesson, you will learn how to host a static website on Amazon S3. I will show you how to create the buckets, create the bucket policy to allow public access and point your own custom DNS name to the website....
1、首先是判断s3-bucket有没有开启静态网站托管,即页面上的Static website hosting的值Enabled|Disabled 可以通过ResponseMetadata=S3client.get_bucket_website(Bucket=Name)看是否会抛出异常,如果一个s3 bucket没有开启静态网站则会输出 botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration) ...
Amplify also issues an SSL/TLS certificate for my domain so that all traffic is secured through HTTPS. Now, I have my static site ready, and I can check it out at https://donnie.id. To learn more about Amazon S3 static website hosting with AWS Amplify Hosting, watch this episode on...
Hosting a static website on Amazon S3 is extremely easy, and on top of that it’s actually (in our opinion) pretty cheap too! Amazon offers a “free usage tier” for the first year and as long as you stay under a certain amount of usage, you don’t have to pay for the GET and...
1.通过https://github.com/GitHub。 2.在启动新存储库中,进行以下选择: 在存储库名称中,输入staticwebsite,并选择公开单选按钮。 然后选择创建新存储库。 3.打开新的终端窗口,导航到您的项目根文件夹(staticwebsite),然后运行以下命令来初始化 git 并将应用程序推送到新的 GitHub 存储库: ...
将S3 存储桶设置为公开 此时再对网站进行访问可以看到页面变成404 部署网站文件 将示例静态文件存储到本地 git clone https://github.com/sami-dev/aws-s3-static-website-sample.git 使用 S3 CLI 将Website文件夹中的内容上传至S3 aws s3 sync Website s3://my-website-bucket-test01 --profile ezmsp_...