The most common use for an NS record is to control how internet traffic is routed for a domain. To use the records in a hosted zone to route traffic for a domain, you update the domain registration settings to use the four name servers in the default NS record. (This is the NS recor...
NS - Name Servers for the Hosted Zone Control how traffic is routed for a domain Route 53 - Hosted Zones A container for records that define how to route traffic to a domain and its subdomains Public Hosted Zones - contains records that specify how to route traffic on the Internet (public...
第一步,在Route 53新建一个hosted zone,获取nameserver,一般有4个,分别覆盖不同地理区位的域名解析 第二步,进入GoDaddy域名管理页面,可以看到默认的nameserver和DNS记录 选择不用GoDaddy的DNS服务,自己custom nameserver,把Route 53给的4个name server填进去。按确认后,就可以看到GoDaddy acknowledge了这个改动 第三步,...
Route53 的 DNS record (A CNAME)使用alias指向其他的AWS account 资源。 AWS还要一项免费的SSL DNS 背景知识 DNS注册AWS可以直接注册,12块美金一个顶级域名。注册了之后,在Route53页左侧导航栏的Domains下,有一个Registered domains 可以看到可管理域名。这里面需要注意的是Name Servers。我们希望使用AWS的hosted zone...
Amazon Route 53 automatically creates a name server (NS) record that has the same name as your hosted zone. It lists the four name servers that are the authoritative name servers for your hosted zone. A (Address) Records Point a domain name to an IP address. ...
NS– Name Servers for the Hosted Zone Control how traffic is routed for a domain Route 53 – Records TTL (Time To Live) Except for Alias records, TTL is mandatory for each DNS record CNAME vs Alias AWS Resources (Load Balancer, CloudFront...) expose an AWS
The ID that Amazon Route 53 assigned to the hosted zone when you created it. NameServers Returns the set of name servers for the specific hosted zone. For example: This attribute is not supported for private hosted zones. Examples Creating a private hosted zone The followi...
在Route53里创建hosted zone 在Route53里创建hosted zone,会自动生成SOA和NS,如下: 在Godaddy中添加新生成的NS 以下四条NS需要添加到Godaddy中,xionghuilin.club的name server如下:
AWS更新其域名服务器服务Route 53,添加应用程序恢复控制器(Application Recovery Controller)新功能,供用户连续监控应用程序,并且能够让应用程序从故障状态中恢复,该控制器能够控制跨多个可用区域、AWS地区和本地环境的应用程序,以维持应用程序极高可用性。 AWS的全球基础设施让用户构建应用程序架构,来应对各种故障,当用户有...
本日より、DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) 用の Route 53 Resolver エンドポイントに Server Name Indication (SNI) を指定できるようになりました。これにより、アウトバウンドエンドポイントから TLS 検証に SNI を必要とする DoH サーバーへの DNS クエリリクエストにターゲットサーバーのホス...