You use an AAAA record to route traffic to a resource, such as a web server, using an IPv6 address in colon-separated hexadecimal format. Example for the Amazon Route 53 console 2001:0db8:85a3:0:0:8a2e:0370:7334 Example for the Route 53 API <Value>2001:0db8:85a3:0:0:8a2e:0370...
DNS记录类型: - SOA - Start of Authority授权起始点记录会提供有关域和相应Amazon Route53托管区域的信息。记录了关于该域名的很多信息。 - NS -- Name Server - A -- Address直接将域名转换为IPv4地址。例如 -> - AAAA -- IPv6地址。例如2001:0db8:85a3:0:0:8a2e:0370:...
ip address dhcp ! interface TenGigabitEthernet0/1 no shutdown nameif inside ip address dhcp ! route outside 0 0 ! crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048 ! ssh 0 0 management ssh 0 0 outside ssh timeout 60 ! logging enable logging timestamp logging buffered informational ! dns dom...
Class: Aws::Route53Resolver::Types::DisassociateResolverEndpointIpAddressRequest Inherits: Struct show all Defined in: (unknown)Overview Note: When passing DisassociateResolverEndpointIpAddressRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash: { resolver_endpo...
本次实验会创建两台ASAv防火墙,分别在两个可用区。Router 53 为VPN的域名vpn.demonwcd.com配置两条权重相同的A记录,当用户通过域名拨号时,会将流量负载分担到两台ASAv防火墙的公网IP地址上,从而实现远程访问VPN的高可用架构。
Amazon Route 53 automatically creates a name server (NS) record that has the same name as your hosted zone. It lists the four name servers that are the authoritative name servers for your hosted zone. A (Address) Records Point a domain name to an IP address. ...
Creator: The route 53 name server that created the SOA record. Contact Details: The email address of the administrator responsible for the domain Settgins: Refresh, retry, and TTL Name Server (NS) Record Used to identify the DNS server names that will be authoritative for your domain and re...
ECS+Route 53,解决云中微服务系统的服务发现问题 为什么微服务需要服务发现(Service Discovery) 我们可以想象一下,当我们需要远程的访问REST API或者Thrift API时,我们必须得知道服务的网络地址(IP Address和port)。传统的应用程序都是运行在固定的物理机器上,IP Address和端口号都是相对固定的。可以通过配置文件方式来...
Query logs contain only the queries that DNS resolvers forward to Route 53. If a DNS resolver has already cached the response to a query (such as the IP address for a load balancer for, the resolver will continue to return the cached response. It doesn't forward another que...
在Route53里导入Zone file 有一个Import Zone File按钮,导入后再添加一个Record set,Routing Policy以下可以选择, Simple Weighted Latency Failover Geolocation Multivalue Answer 在这里选择Geolocation比较好看效果,把两个公网IP地址输入到 ...