Erfahren Sie mehr über Amazon Redshift, den schnellen, einfachen und günstigen Data Warehouse-Service von AWS für Cloud-native Anwendungen. Steigen Sie kostenlos ein und integrieren Sie Ihr aktuelles BI-Tool vollständig.
Sie können Amazon Redshift Serverless für nur 3 USD pro Stunde nutzen und zahlen nur für die Rechenkapazität, die Ihr Data Warehouse verbraucht, wenn es aktiv ist. Die Data Warehouse-Kapazität wird je nach den Anforderungen Ihrer Analyse-Workload nach oben oder unten skaliert und...
In this article, learn about AWS Redshift Database is a cloud-based large data warehousing solution that companies are using lately.
What's Redshift? chief technology officer Werner Vogels, in AWS Summit Amazon's AWS Summit in London, saidRedshift data warehouseis the fastest-growing service in AWS's nine-year history. Vogels said during his morning keynote, having the power to scale between one and thousands ...
Lists the differences for using Amazon Redshift in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions compared to other AWS Regions.
In this article I will focus on Amazon Redshift, a popular and potentially very expensive AWS service. Amazon Redshift is a managed Data Warehouse service offered by AWS. With Redshift you launch a cluster, which consists of a number of nodes optimized for compute and storage. Then you can...
Amazon Redshift 中的数据仓库由以下核心架构组件组成: 集群— 由一个或多个计算节点组成的集群是 Amazon Redshift 数据仓库的核心基础设施组件。计算节点对外部应用程序是透明的,但您的客户端应用程序仅与领导节点直接交互。典型的集群有两个或更多计算节点。计算节点通过领导节点进行协调。
Best practice rules for Amazon Redshift Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, fast, petabyte-scale data warehouse service that is cost-effective and provides a simple way to efficiently analyze your data using your existing business intelligence tools. Amazon Redshift costs less than a tenth of mos...
Amazon Redshift是一款可以扩展到 EB 级的数据仓库。如今,数以万计的 AWS 客户(包括NTT DOCOMO、Finra和强生)使用 Redshift 来运行任务关键性的商业智能 (BI) 控制面板、分析实时流式处理数据以及运行预测性的分析作业。 但在高峰时刻,并发查询数量猛增,这时出现了一个问题。当许多业务分析师全部打开...
Modernize your Data Warehouse with Amazon Redshift + Redshift Spectrum Creating a Data Driven Culture with Amazon QuickSight Visualising Your Data Insights with Amazon QuickSight AWS Learning Series: Harnessing the Power of Data