ListProfilesPDF Lists the profiles associated with your AWS account for your current or specified region. A profile is the mechanism used to create the concept of a private network.Request Syntax { "maxResults": number, "nextToken": "string" }...
您可以将该值用于后续调用 ListProfiles,以继续列出结果。 类型:字符串 长度限制:长度下限为 1。长度上限为 6144。 必需:否 ProfileType 指示是否仅列出 LOCAL 类型配置文件或仅列出 PARTNER 类型配置文件。如果请求中未提供,则该命令会列出所有类型的配置文件。 类型:字符串 有效值:LOCAL | PARTNER 必需:否 ...
{ return ProfileAPIService(); }); class ProfileAPIService { ProfileAPIService(); Future<Profile> getProfile() async { try { final request = ModelQueries.list(Profile.classType); final response = await Amplify.API.query(request: request).response; final profile =!.items.first;... - switches to an AWS Profile given as an arg or prompts the user with a convenient interactive menu list of AWS profiles to choose from - useful when you have lots of AWS work profiles - creates an AWS service account user for CI/CD or CLI...
1. 导入 Boto3 以及使用 AWS AK-SK profile 设置运行环境如下: # 指定AWS configure profilesession=boto3.Session(profile_name='jingamz')aws_client=session.client('ce')# 指定查询范围,注意,[start,end)start='2023-01-01'end='2023-02-01' ...
$ okta-aws-cli list-profiles Profiles: sample-account X(Non-Prod) sample-account X (Prod) another-sample-account Y (Non-Prod) List-profiles command is a human oriented command to show the list of profile names stored in the ~/.okta/okta.yaml file. The user executesokta-aws-cli list-...
over all the EC2s that existed during the initial run of the CloudFormation. The goal of this scheduled scan is to ensure that all the relevant EC2s have an IAM profile with the required IAM policy that allows Defender for Cloud to access, manage, and provide the relevant security features...
aws iam list-attached-role-policies --role-name DEV_ROLE Output: {"AttachedPolicies": [ {"PolicyName":"DevS3ReadAccess","PolicyArn":"arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxx:policy/DevS3ReadAccess"} ] } Create Instnace Profile aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name DEV_PROFILE ... Comma separated list of tags in key:value format (e.g. env:dev,env:test) 缺省情况下会监视没有标记的 AWS 服务,但可以通过将include_untagged字段设置为false来排除这些服务: True value by default ...
2.AWS service role for an EC2 instance:一种特殊的 role,赋给 EC2(又称为 EC2 Profile),使运行在 EC2 上的 application 可以从此 role 中获得操作 AWS 资源的权限3.AWS service-linked role:这种 role 与 AWS 服务直接相关,由 4.AWS 服务预先定义好,可由 AWS 服务自动创建,有些可以人为修改,有些则不...