$ aws configure list-profiles default test aws configure sso このコマンドを実行して、 AWS IAM Identity Center 認証情報、リージョン、出力形式をすばやく設定して表示します。次の例は、サンプル値を示しています。 $ aws configure sso SSO session name (Recommended): my-sso SSO start URL [...
获取已配置的所有 profile # aws configure list-profilesdefaulttest 1. 2. 3. import 从在console 中下载的 csv 中导入 aws configureimport--csvfile://credentials.csv 1. get # aws configure get region --profile integus-west-2 1. 2. set # aws configure set region us-west-2 --profile integ...
创建IAM角色参考下图: 对于一般用途,aws configure 命令是设置 AWS CLI 安装的最快方法。 $ aws configure AWS Access Key ID [None]: AKIAIOSFOxxxxxx AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrxxxxxxxxxx Default region name [None]: region-code Default output format [None]: json 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 键...
您不必在每次執行命令時提供這些命令,而是可以使用configure命令將資訊清單檔案的路徑、29 個字元的解除鎖定碼,以及端點 (Snow Family 裝置的 IP 地址) 儲存為設定檔。組態之後,您可以使用 Snowball Edge 用戶端命令,而不必手動輸入每個命令的這些值,方法是將設定檔名稱與命令一起包含。設定 Snowball Edge 用戶端後...
然后amplify cli 会自动读取当前环境里面的不同 profile,这些 profile 来自于aws cli的配置,具体aws cli配置profile的方法可以参考:https://docs.amazonaws.cn/en_us/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-profiles.html,而这个profile请务必确保有cloudformation, s3以及iam的权限,因为在后面的命令中,将会部...
Select the authentication method you want to use: AWS profile For more information on AWS Profiles, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-profiles.html ? Please choose the profile you want to use fpsc Amplify AppID found: d32cgdvim65k7p. Amplify App name is...
For more information on how to configure credentials, see the developer guide forconfiguring AWS SDK for Ruby. API Clients Construct a service client to make API calls. Each client provides a 1-to-1 mapping of methods to API operations. Refer to theAPI documentationfor a complete list of ava...
The current AWS account will always have access to this layer. Optionally, configurewhoelsecan access this layer.(Hit<Enter>to skip)Specific AWS accounts ? Provide a list of comma-separated AWS account IDs: ***# Your own AWS Account✅ Lambda layer folders&files updated: amplify/backend/...
Navigate to Application Management > Cloud Context Profiles. The list of configure cloud context profiles appears. Step 2 Click Actions > Create Cloud Context Profile. The Create Cloud Context Profile dialog box appears. Step...
Navigate to Application Management > Cloud Context Profiles. The list of configure cloud context profiles appears. Step 2 Click Actions > Create Cloud Context Profile. The Create Cloud Context Profile dialog box appears. Step 3 Enter...