Provisions a thing in the device registry. RegisterThing calls other AWS IoT control plane APIs. These calls might exceed your account level AWS IoT Throttling Limits and cause throttle errors. Please contact AWS Customer Support to raise your throttling
Control plane endpoints: If you are using TLS 1.0/1.1 then you will need to start using TLS 1.2 or higher for these connections. Data plane endpoints: Devices connecting to AWS IoT Core using TLS 1.0 / 1.1 will continue to operate as normal, but we suggest updating these devices to suppor...
This is a control plane operation. See Authorization for information about authorizing control plane actions. Requires permission to access the CreateThingGroup action. Syntax To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax: JSON { "Type" : "AWS::IoT::ThingGr...
针对金融、广告、IoT 等行业对数据访问高并发、实时响应的诉求,能提供百万级 QPS 和微秒级延迟的 key-value 数据库成为契合的选择。根据 DB-Rank 排名,在 key-value 领域很有名的数据库是 Redis1,它能够提供 400 微秒的 P99 延迟,也提供了丰富的数据结构比如 hash table,sorted sets,streams,hyperloglog 等,...
aws-java-sdk-iotjobsdataplane Update GitHub version number to 1.12.783-SNAPSHOT Feb 20, 2025 aws-java-sdk-iotsecuretunneling Update GitHub version number to 1.12.783-SNAPSHOT Feb 20, 2025 aws-java-sdk-iotsitewise Update GitHub version number to 1.12.783-SNAPSHOT Feb 20, 2025 aws-java-sdk...
AWSSDK.IoTJobsDataPlane This release adds support for new the service called Iot Jobs. This client is built for the device SDK to use Iot Jobs Device specific APIs. AWSSDK.IoTManagedIntegrations Adding managed integrations APIs for IoT Device Management to setup and control devices across diff...
Harvester is an ideal solution for those seeking a Cloud native HCI offering — one that is both cost-effective and able to place VM workloads on the edge, driving IoT integration into cloud infrastructure. Because Harvester is open source, this automatically means you don’t have to worry ...
client-iot client-iot-1click-devices-service client-iot-1click-projects client-iot-data-plane client-iot-events client-iot-events-data client-iot-jobs-data-plane client-iot-roborunner client-iot-wireless client-iotanalytics client-iotdeviceadvisor ...
Harvester is an ideal solution for those seeking a Cloud native HCI offering — one that is both cost-effective and able to place VM workloads on the edge, driving IoT integration into cloud infrastructure. Because Harvester is open source, this automatically means you don’t have to worry ...
EventNamestring请求的操作,即该服务 API 中的操作之一。 EventSourcestring请求的服务对象。 此名称通常是服务名称的简写,不含空格并要外加。 EventTypeNamestring标识生成事件记录的事件类型。 这可以是以下值之一:AwsApiCall、AwsServiceEvent、AwsConsoleAction、AwsConsoleSignIn。