From the workflow monitor console's navigation pane, selectEventBridge rule templates. SelectCreate event template group. Give the alarm template group a uniqueGroup nameand optionalDescription. SelectCreate, You will be taken to the newly created alarm template group's details page. ...
前往 開啟 Amazon EventBridge 主控台。 在導覽窗格中,選擇 Events (事件) 。 選擇 建立規則 ,然後在 事件來源 下,從 服務名稱 中選擇 彈性容器登錄檔 (ECR) 。在 Event Source (事件來源) 中,選擇 Event Pattern (事件模式)
Once your event bus is ready, it's time to set up rules. In the EventBridge console, create a new rule and define the event pattern — specify what type of events you're interested in. Are they coming from a specific service? Do they contain certain details? Then, test your rules to...
Amazon EventBridge 是一种无服务器事件总线,可使用从您的应用程序、集成式软件即服务 (SaaS) 应用程序和 AWS 服务生成的事件,更轻松地大规模构建事件驱动型应用程序。EventBridge 提供从事件源到目标对象的实时数据流。借助EventBridge,可实现AWS Services之间基于规则的实时驱动,同时也支持定时任务式的交互驱动。...
在Amazon EventBridge 页面下,选择左侧栏 Buses下的 Rules,在右侧的主区域选择 Create Rule,填写 EventBridge rule 的名字和选择 Rule type 为 Rule with an event pattern。 在Build event pattern 页面,编辑 Event pattern,这里我们选择 Custom pattern 来指定当 webapp-sample repository 中的 branch ...
EventBridge 敲黑板 这里一定要选择 default event bus 创建ec2 status rules 创建ec2 scheduled change rules 同理 event pattern { "source":[""], "detail-type":["AWS Health Event"], "detail":{ "service":["EC2"], "eventTypeCategory":["scheduledChange"]}} ...
Create the AWS EventBridge Trigger Deploy the Draft Error Handler Parameters The default error handler has two parameters:errorandchangeEvent. error Has the following two attributes: code: The code for the errored EventBridge put request. For a list of error codes used by the error handler, see...
Amazon EventBridge Rule IAM Role for the aws-node-termination-handler Queue Processing Pods Optional AWS infrastructure components: AutoScaling Group Launch Lifecycle Hook 1. Create an SQS Queue: Here is the AWS CLI command to create an SQS queue to hold termination events from ASG and EC2, alth...