選擇「CloudFormation 範本」,然後選擇您 EventBridge 要在下列項目中產生範本的格式:JSON或YAML。 EventBridge 顯示以所選格式產生的樣板。 EventBridge 可讓您選擇下載範本檔案,或將範本複製到剪貼簿。 選擇立即下載以下載範本檔案。 若要將範本複製剪貼簿,請選擇複製。
為Amazon ECR 來源 (CLI) 建立 EventBridge 規則 焦點模式 本文為英文版的機器翻譯版本,如內容有任何歧義或不一致之處,概以英文版為準。 呼叫put-rule命令,並指定: 可唯一識別您所建立規則的名稱。此名稱在您使用與 AWS 帳戶相關聯的 CodePipeline 建立的所有管道中必須是唯一的。
The AWS put entry for an EventBridge trigger event must be smaller than 256 KB. Learn how to reduce the size of your PutEvents entry in thePerformance Optimizationsection. 1 Set Up the MongoDB Partner Event Source To send trigger events to AWS EventBridge, you need theAWS account IDof the...
设置EventBridge 计划以调用 Step Functions 状态机 要设置 EventBridge 计划以运行状态机,请完成以下步骤: 在Amazon EventBridge 控制台上,选择Rules(规则)。 选择Create a new rule(创建新规则)。 输入名称(例如,rds-batch-Daily10AM)和描述。 对于模式,选择Schedule(计划),然后选择固定率或定时...
通过以下命令快速创建(您也可以通过EventBridge在控制台创建): aws events put-rule \ --name NTHASGTermRule \ --event-pattern "{\"source\":[\"aws.autoscaling\"],\"detail-type\":[\"EC2 Instance-terminate Lifecycle Action\"]}" aws events put-targets --rule NTHASGTermRule \ ...
Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) AWS Organizations AWS Resource Access Manager AWS Systems Manager AWS Trusted Advisor Trusted Advisor inspects your AWS environment, and then makes recommendations when opportunities exist to save money, improve system availability and...
You can also use Amazon EventBridge to monitor each RunInstance event. Use it to trigger a Lambda function that will cross check the launch configuration to your AMI list and send you a notification via SNS if the AMI used was unapproved. This will give you more information such as who ...
Events (or EventBridge): react to events in AWS, or trigger a rule on a schedule. CloudTrail: audit API calls made within your AWS account. CloudTrail Insights: automated analysis of your CloudTrail Events. X-Ray: trace requests made through your distributed applications. Service Health Dashboard...
Amazon EventBridge Rule IAM Role for the aws-node-termination-handler Queue Processing Pods Optional AWS infrastructure components: AutoScaling Group Launch Lifecycle Hook 1. Create an SQS Queue: Here is the AWS CLI command to create an SQS queue to hold termination events from ASG and EC2, alth...
VA ポッドの編集中は、Amazon EventBridge(電子メール通知をトリガーするために使用される AWS サービス)が無効になっているため、VA ポッドに関する電子メール通知を受信しません。VA ポッドの編集内容が正常に設定さ...