voidsetLogGroupName(StringlogGroupName) The name of the log group. StringtoString() Returns a string representation of this object. DeleteLogGroupRequestwithLogGroupName(StringlogGroupName) The name of the log group. Methods inherited from class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest ...
在Delete log group(s)(删除日志组)对话框中,选择Delete(删除)。 删除执行角色 打开AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) 控制台的Roles page(角色页面)。 选择函数的执行角色(例如myLambdaFunction-role-31exxmpl)。 选择删除。 在删除角色对话框中,输入角色名称,然后选择删除。
undo log record: delete: last three words delete: last two words DB in disk: I am Tony I am Tony I am Tony 如果Transaction a,在即time 2之后,time 3以前进行roll back,我们只要在内存I am Tony coding for world这个值,对应的undo log record,delete: last three words,去执行这个undo动作,我们就...
删除消费组 bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server "kafka实例端口" --delete --group test_group
PartitionHandler实际包含了两个Lambda函数:add_partition和delete_partition。add_partition函数在每天23:00提前创建第二天的分区,以使Athena能够在第二天查询当天的Flow Logs。因Flow Logs设置了7天从S3中删除,delete_partition在每天凌晨1:00删除7天前的分区,以避免Athena加载不存在数据的空分区时,影响...
groupgroup 是 IAM user 的集合,主要功能是集中管理用户权限,通过把 policy 赋给 group 的方式,把权限赋予 group 中的用户。提示:下文介绍的 resource-based policy 中 Principal 只能指定为 IAM user 不能指定为 groupgroup 有如下一些特点一个group 可以包含多个 user,一个 user 也可以属于多个 groupgroup 中...
"logs:CreateLogStream", "ec2:DeleteSnapshot", "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:PutLogEvents", "dynamodb:ListStreams" ], "Resource": "*" }, { "Sid": "VisualEditor1", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "dynamodb:GetShardIterator", ...
It implements a broker for applications and things to publish messages over HTTP (Publish) and retrieve, update, and delete thing shadows. A thing shadow is a persistent representation of your things and their state in the AWS cloud. AWSSDK.IoTDeviceAdvisor AWS IoT Core Device Advisor is ...
Advanced Logging Controls for AWS Lambda: Capture Logs in JSON, increased log granularity, and setting a custom Log Group. Here is the AWS article. Here is the YAML implementation Axiom Integration: Integrate with Axiom's observability solution for a powerful logging, metrics and traces experience...
Max-size: To force a log rotation once the current file reaches the maximum size. Max-file: To delete excess rotated log files when the maximum limit it reached. Perform the following: Execute sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json. Insert the following lines to the file. ...