delete-log-group --log-group-name <value> [--cli-input-json <value>] [--generate-cli-skeleton <value>] [--debug] [--endpoint-url <value>] [--no-verify-ssl] [--no-paginate] [--output <value>] [--query <value>] [--profile <value>] [--region <value>] [--version <value...
If you are creating a trail for a single Region (done by using the AWS CLI), choosing All current and future S3 buckets enables data event logging for all buckets in the same Region as your trail and any buckets you create later in that Region. It will not log data event...
SECURITY_GROUPS=$(aws eks describe-cluster \ --name ${EKS_CLUSTER_NAME} --query "cluster.resourcesVpcConfig.clusterSecurityGroupId") # If your setup uses the security groups in the Launch template of a managed node group, then : SECURITY_GROUPS=$(aws ec2 describe-launch-template-versions \...
ADA will start the data processing, create the data pipelines, and prepare the CloudWatch log groups to be queried from the Query Workbench. This process will take a few minutes to complete and will be shown on the ADA console under Data Products. Create an Amazon S3 dat...
$ awslogs get /var/log/syslog ip-10-1.* --start='2h ago' | grep ERROR Features Aggregate logs from across streams. Aggregate all streams in a group. Aggregate streams matching a regular expression. Colored output. List existing groups ...
Add support for Python 3.10 in aws-parallelcluster-batch-cli. BUG FIXES Fix inconsistent scaling configuration after cluster update rollback when modifying the list of instance types declared in the Compute Resources. Fix users SSH keys generation when switching users without root privilege in clusters...
aws s3api list-objects --bucket my-bucket --page-size 100 #默认值是1000个对象属性,可以指定100个.列举的都是文件(对象)各属性(区别于ls) 拷贝文件 aws s3 cp t.txt s3://s3-cdn-test/ --grants read=uri= #向全世界开放读取权限 ...
It comes with the kafka CLI, that you can use for validation. As an example, you can set-up your config file and use the following command to test topic creation with IAM auth. ./ --bootstrap-server <borker-name>:9098 --create --topic test-topic --partitions 1 --...
root# aws --version # Checks if awscli is installed root# aws ec2 describe-instances --output table --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[InstanceId,Tags[?Key==Name].Value]' root# aws ec2 describe-instances --output=table # list ec2 instances root# aws ec2 describe-availability-zones ...
uid=0(root)gid=0(root)groups=0(root)\n' 由以上代码中的filename输入及终端返回的输出可以看出此方法同样也适用于攻击Lambda运行时。一旦攻击者拿到了shell权限,再往后就是通过AWS CLI进行的一系列xxx操作了,具体见「攻击场景复现」部分。 4.2攻击者恶意构造Lambda函数场景下的shell权限获取 ...