To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax: JSON { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::NatGateway", "Properties" : { "AllocationId" : String, "ConnectivityType" : String, "MaxDrainDurationSeconds" : Integer, "PrivateIpAddress" : String, "SecondaryAllocationIds" ...
Panorama主要用来管理多台防火墙,在AWS云上,对流量做集中安全检测一般会有多台防火墙,所以这里利用CloudFormation搭建了流量集中检测的LAB环境,然后利用Panorama管理这两台防火墙。 只启动两台防火墙和一台Panorama,也可以做大部分的测试,搭建流量集中检测环境是为了更加模拟真实环境。 利用CloudFormation创建实验环境,CloudFormati...
SSLVPNPrivate1SubnetRoute1: DependsOn: SSLVPNNatGateway1 Type: AWS::EC2::Route Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref SSLVPNPrivateRouteTable1 DestinationCidrBlock: '' NatGatewayId: !Ref SSLVPNNatGateway1 SSLVPNPrivate1SubnetRoute2: Type: "AWS::EC2::Route" DependsOn: Asav1OutsideEni Properti...
快速部署流程 (1)启动CloudFormation堆栈。 打开管理控制台,单击下面的按钮以启动CloudFormation 模板。默认情况下,此模板在宁夏区域启动,您可以使用控制台右上方的区域选择链接,以在其他区域部署该方案。 (2)指定堆栈详细信息。点击【下一步】,进入参数设置页面,如下图所示。 根据您的需求调整以下参数,然后点击【下一...
CloudFormation代码如下,代码默认在东京区(ap-northeast-1)运行,如果想要在其他区域运行,需要修改AsavBYOL9181对应的AMI ID信息。 ASAv已经在User Data中完成了SSLVPN的配置,堆栈创建完成后,可以直接使用ASAv的公网IP地址拨号测试。 AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' ...
An internet gateway enables communication over the internet,If a subnet's traffic is routed to an internet gateway, the subnet is known as a public subnet。 Cloudformation YAML: Parameters: Project: Type: String VpcCidr: Type: String Description: 'VPC CIDR' ...
AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication AWS::CloudFormation::Init AWS::CloudFormation::Interface Label ParameterGroup ParameterLabel Rules Rule Functions Conditions Transform Format version Description Infrastructure Composer Old Designer IaC generator Start a resource scan View the scan summary Create a template f...
Internet gateway An internet gateway enables communication over the internet,If a subnet's traffic is routed to an internet gateway, the subnet is known as a public subnet。 AWS-VPC-single-public-subnet.png Cloudformation YAML Parameters:Project:Type:String ...
打开AWS 控制台,并选择 CloudFormation,选择存储在本地的 json 文件 json,运行 CloudFormation 模板。 假设输入缺省的 PublicSubnetCapacity 和 VpcCidr 如下: 选择Next,直至 AWS 资源开始创建 最终运行结果如下: 创建的 Subnet 如下: 公共子网路由表: 打开AWS 控制台,并选择 CloudFormation,选择存储在本地的 json ...
Using CloudFormation to deploy and manage services with ECS has a number of nice benefits over more traditional methods (AWS CLI, scripting, etc.). Infrastructure-as-Code A template can be used repeatedly to create identical copies of the same stack (or to use as a foundation to start a ne...