Specifies a network address translation (NAT) gateway in the specified subnet. You can create either a public NAT gateway or a private NAT gateway. The default is a public NAT gateway. If you create a public NAT gateway, you must specify an elastic IP address. With a NAT gateway, instance...
resource:aws_nat_gateway:gw:allocation_id:'${aws_eip.nat.id}'subnet_id:'${aws_subnet.public.id}' Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: allocation_id- (Required) The Allocation ID of the Elastic IP address for the gateway. ...
而这个NAT操作就发生在Internet Gateway里。AWS的官网的这张图很好地解释了Internet Gateway的作用。 图2-1 Internet Gateway在网络中的位置 现在我们来尝试创建一个Internet Gateway吧。在VPC页面的左侧选项卡中找到Internet gateways,并点击右上角的Create Internet gateway进入创建页面。可以看到这里的配置极为简单: Nam...
NATGateway • AWS.Mise en réseau.Route Guide de l'utilisateur AWS N.S. Définit un nœud de service AWS réseau (NS). Syntaxe tosca.nodes.AWS.NS: properties: descriptor_id: String descriptor_version: String descriptor_name: String Propriétés descriptor_id Le UUID du descripteur. ...
To learn more about Amazon VPC NAT Gateway, visit theNAT Gateways Documentation.
(确保子网配置了NAT-gw) 6.配置EventBridge 打开控制台,跳转到EventBridge ,新建一个rule
Configure AWS storage (legacy) View billable usage (legacy) Proxy traffic through a NAT gateway Access cross-account S3 buckets with an AssumeRole policy Cross-account Kinesis access with an AssumeRole policy The account management processes included in this section are focused on non-E2 accounts (...
In this tutorial, you use the Azure portal to create a site-to-site (S2S) VPN gateway connection between your on-premises network and a virtual network. You can also create this configuration by using Azure PowerShell or the Azure CLI.In...
NAT The following key fields about NAT gateways are collected: natGatewayId vpcId subnetId state publicIp privateIp region tags ELB (Elastic Load Balancing) The following key fields about the Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) service are collected: loadBalancerName vpcId type ipAddressType dnsName ...
AWS_VPC_K8S_CNI_EXTERNALSNAT Type: Boolean as a String Default:false Specifies whether an external NAT gateway should be used to provide SNAT of secondary ENI IP addresses. If set totrue, the SNATiptablesrule and off-VPC IP rule are not applied, and these rules are removed if they have ...