AWS CLI 使用 Bash 脚本 DynamoDB Amazon EC2 HealthImaging IAM Amazon S3 AWS STS SDK for C++ ACM API Gateway Aurora Auto Scaling CloudTrail CloudWatch CloudWatch 日志 CodeBuild Amazon Cognito 身份提供者 DynamoDB Amazon EC2 EventBridge AWS Glue HealthImaging IAM AWS IoT AWS IoT dat...
Returns a function, event source mapping, or code signing configuration's tags . You can also view function tags with GetFunction . See also: AWS API DocumentationSynopsis¶ list-tags --resource <value> [--cli-input-json <value>] [--generate-cli-skeleton <value>] [--debug] [--endpoin...
An AWS CLI command has the following structure: $ aws <subcommand> [options and parameters] For example, to list S3 buckets, the command would be: $ aws s3 ls To view help documentation, use one of the following: $ aws help $ aws help $ aws <subcommand> help To get the ...
aws configservice put-config-rule --generate-cli-skeleton > config-tags-rule.json 上で生成したファイルを必要なルールに合わせて手動で編集します。今回は、マネージドルールの required-tags の設定を元に、EC2 インスタンスには タグキー “map-migrted”、タグ値 “d-server-00000” が必要...
Customers can use the familiar Docker CLI to push, pull, and manage images. AWSSDK.ECRPublic Supports Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) Public, a fully managed registry that makes it easy for a developer to publicly share container software worldwide for anyone to download. AWS...
在Cloud9里新开一个终端,升级awscli命令行,接着取消临时凭证: sudo mv /bin/aws /bin/aws1 curl "" -o "" unzip sudo ./aws/install /usr/local/bin/aws cloud9 update-environment --environment-id $C9_PID...
uploadId(); return uploadId; } /** * Multipart upload */ public static void multipartUpload(String bucketName, String key, List<String> etags, List<CompletedPart> completedParts, String uploadId, byte[] cbuf, int off) { Region region = Region.US_EAST_2; s3 = S3Client.builder()....
public_subnet_tags = { "" = 1 } private_subnet_tags = { "" = 1 } tags = { Terraform = "true" Environment = "dev" Owner = "cloudsway" } } 定义子模块的provider ...
"vmTagsList":"Name:RP_001,PayProfile:Dev,User:AdminUser",^M "assignPublicIp":"true",^M "nodeInfo":"VpcID: vpc-31e88948, subnetId: subnet-44f8bb0c,securityGroupList: sg-0f05b97b "}^M CLIQR_EXTERNAL_SERVICE_RESULT_END^M
For Cisco CSR 1000V routers, the Allow same-site-tunnel setting does not appear within the Cisco System feature template. You will need to create a CLI feature template with the following lines:systemallow-same-site-tunnelsYou will then need to include the CLI feature template within the...