您可以通过 AWS Management Console、 AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) 或创建和管理启动模板SDKs。本节向您展示了从中创建和管理 Amazon A EC2 uto Scaling 启动模板的示例 AWS CLI。 示例用法 {"LaunchTemplateName":"my-template-for-auto-scaling","VersionDescription":"test description","LaunchTempl...
將EC2-compatible端點指定為 Snowball Edge 上的 AWS CLI 端點 當您使用 AWS CLI 向 AWS Snowball 邊緣 裝置發出命令時,您可以指定端點是 Amazon EC2-compatible端點。您可以選擇使用 HTTPS 端點或不安全的 HTTP 端點,如下所示。 HTTPS 安全端點 aws ec2 describe-instances --endpoint ...
All these steps can be performed at instance launch using the AWS CLI anduser data bash script, and you can see how in step 3. Here are all the AWS CLI commands you need to run at instance launch: Query for volumes with the name tag:DL-datasets-checkpoints(there should be on...
72. How can you start an AWS Glue workflow run using AWS CLI? Using the start-workflow-run command of AWS CLI and passing the workflow name, one can start the Glue workflow. 73. What data sources does AWS Glue support? AWS Glue can integrate with more than 80 data sources on AWS, ...
Deploy (AWS CLI): From the root of the repository, run the following command: APPLICATION_DIR=core_ran_arpf_enclave cd ${APPLICATION_DIR}/cdk Deploy the alternative implementation, run cdk deploy EnclaveArpfArpfEnclaveShardsStack --require-approval never ...
(resources that were created will be deleted, updates that were made will be changed back) in order to leave the stack in a consistent state at the end of the operation. If you are using the CDK CLI to iterate on a development stack in your personal account, you might not require ...
You can run these tests by either opening the solution file and running the tests or via the dotnet cli by invoking dotnet test AWSSDK.ProtocolTests.NetStandard.csproj. The structure for the protocol test cases can be found here in the smithy docs....
Credential profiles file at the default location (~/.aws/credentials) shared by all AWS SDKs and the AWS CLI Instance profile credentials delivered through the Amazon EC2 metadata serviceNote that in order for the Instance Profile Metadata to be found, you must have launched the instance with ...
用Console,CLI,SDK创建或更新时直接指定的参数。 2>Saved Configurations 配置文件位于:.elasticbeanstalk/saved_configs/ 3>Configuration Files (.ebextensions) 4>Default Values 前两种配置都可以CLI删除,这时3>或4>自动生效。Configuration Files需要更改文件后重新发布。
AWS CLI 参数范例 简单参数示范 时间戳 aws ec2 describe-spot-price-history\--start-time2014-10-13T19:00:00Z 1. 2. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssTZD (UTC),例如,2014-10-01T20:30:00.000Z YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssTZD(带偏移量),例如,2014-10-01T12:30:00.000-08:00...