選擇Create deployment configuration (建立部署組態)。 您現在擁有可與部署群組建立關聯的部署組態。 使用CodeDeploy (AWS CLI) 建立部署組態 若要使用 AWS CLI 建立部署規劃,請呼叫指create-deployment-config令。 下列範例會建立名為的 EC2 /內部部署組態,ThreeQuartersHealthy該組態需要 75% 的目標執行個體在部署期...
要获取服务角色 ARN,请参阅获取服务角色 ARN(CLI) 。有关服务角色的更多信息,请参阅《IAM 用户指南》中的角色术语和概念。 与部署组关联的部署类型(就地部署或蓝/绿部署)的相关信息。 (可选)现有部署配置的名称。要查看部署配置列表,请参阅View Deployment Configuration Details。如果未指定,则 CodeDeploy 使用...
AWS CLI configuration Working DNS managed by Route 53 IAM roles configured for EC2 resources The S3kopsState Store Installation of thekopstool Installation of thekubectlCLI Creating Your Rancher-Kubernetes Cluster First, we will set some environment variables to make typing less painful on the CLI. ...
Install AWS tools on Ubuntu and OS X workstations awsansibleosxubuntuaws-cliaws-shellaws-vaultcli53 UpdatedApr 20, 2020 Shell modernifyco/nfig Star1 Distributed configuration CLI configshellbashpowershellvaulthacktoberfestaws-vaultgithub-secrets ...
AWS Extensions for dotnet CLI This repository contains AWS tool extensions to the .NET CLI. These tool extensions are focused on building .NET Core and ASP.NET Core applications and deploying them to AWS services. Many of these deployment commands are the same commands the AWS Toolkit for Visua...
安装aws cli:How to Install AWS CLI on Ubuntu 20.04 curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip" unzip awscliv2.zip sudo ./aws/install 配置awscli aws configure # 输入access key和security key:后两项可以忽略(假如只需要使用S3的话) ...
Can I use existing Amazon EC2 APIs to start, stop, and manage instances on the device? Yes. AWS Snowball Edge provides an Amazon EC2-compatible endpoint that can be used to start, stop, and manage your instances on AWS Snowball Edge. This endpoint is compatible with the AWS CLI and AWS...
在管理中心中添加与您在 Configuration.JSON 中指定的策略名称匹配的访问策略。 过程 步骤1 准备模板。 将github 存储库克隆到本地文件夹。请参阅https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/cisco-ftdv/tree/master/cluster/aws。 使用所需的参数修改infrastructure.yaml和deploy_ngfw_cluster.yaml。
AWS Managed Microsoft AD 如何解决 Microsoft 公告 ADV190023 的问题?该公告说明了对 AD 域控制器上默认 LDAP 安全设置的更改。 AWS Managed Microsoft AD 可支持多少用户、组、计算机和对象(总数)? 我可以将 AWS Managed Microsoft AD 用作主目录吗? 我可以将 AWS Managed Microsoft AD 用作资源林吗? 多区域...
Once the kind cluster is fully initialized, the configuration is used to deploy the actual management cluster on the backend infrastructure. After the management cluster is fully configured, the local kind cluster is deleted and future configurations are performed with the Tanz...