1、下载安装文件 打开终端使用curl命令下载 AWS CLI 的安装文件: $ curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip" 以上命令会在当前工作目录下载一个awscliv2.zip的文件。 使用www.linuxtechi.com 确认当前下载下来的文件: $ ls -l awscliv2.zip -rw-rw-r...
AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) 是一种开源工具,让您能够在命令行 Shell 中使用命令与 AWS 服务进行交互。 因公司项目要求,要在Linux服务器安装awc cli版本1(如果没有要求,推荐大家安装版本2) AWS CLI 版本 1 的安装有两种方式: 使用捆绑安装程序安装 和 使用pip方式安装 先决条件:您必须已安装 Python ...
要安装 aws cli,请执行以下 install 脚本 $ sudo ./aws/install 脚本将在/usr/local/aws-cli 下安装所有文件,并将在/usr/local/bin 中创建符号链接。 (4) 验证 AWS CLI 版本 验证aws cli 版本,执行命令 $ aws --version aws-cli/2.8.4 Python/3.9.11 Linux/5.15.0-48-generic exe/x86_64.ubuntu.2...
(1) 下载安装文件 打开终端,执行 curl 命令下载 aws cli 安装文件 $ curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip" Download-AWS-CLI-Curl-Command 执行以下 ls 命令验证下载文件 $ ls -l awscliv2.zip -rw-rw-r-- 1 linuxtechi linuxtechi 47244662 Oc...
Install the AWS CLI version 1 using the bundled installer withsudo The following steps enable you to install the AWS CLI version 1 from the command line on any build of Linux or macOS. The following is a summary of the installation commands explained below that you can cut and paste to ru...
Setup steps for HTTPS connections to AWS CodeCommit repositories on Linux, macOS, or Unix with the AWS CLI credential helper Configure AWS CLI credentials, install Git, set up credential helper, connect CodeCommit console, clone CodeCommit repository August 3, 2024 Codecommit › userguideSetup for...
On Linux and Mac OS, the AWS CLI can be installed using abundled installer. The AWS CLI can also be installed on Windows via anMSI Installer. If you want to run thedevelopbranch of the AWS CLI, see theDevelopment Versionsection of the contributing guide. ...
# setup DB connection$ php/var/www/html/moodle/admin/cli/install_database.php # add to crontab$ sudo vim/etc/crontab***/usr/bin/php/var/www/html/moodle/admin/cli/cron.php>/dev/null 访问配置的 Moodle 连接 http://<DNS_ENDPOINT>/moodle 进行验证,效果如下: BigBlueButton...
7.1 在Ubuntu上安装awscli(该过程大概需要用时约20分钟) apt install awscli 7.2 此处指定的源由nwcd提供,需要访问Amazon ECR,使用 get-login-password 针对 Amazon ECR 注册表验证 Docker aws ecr get-login-password --region cn-northwest-1 | docker login --username AWS --passwor...
Run/Debug Local Lambda Functions - Locally test and step-through debug functions in a Lambda-like execution environment provided by the AWS SAM CLI. Supports Java, Python, Node.js, and .NET. Deploy SAM-based Applications - Package, deploy track SAM-based applications CloudWatch Logs - View...