Amplify CLI Version 1.11.1 Question Hi, I have updated to amplify version 11.1.1 and trying to publish to my hosting on an s3 bucket and now I'm getting this error, it mentions a workaround which I already have set up for the ACLs, but still shows the error, now the error says: ...
Hi, my app uses vue3, vuetify and amplify with rest api, dynamodb. Things were working as expected until I started getting errors in API calls that I couldn't explain. I deleted the "dev" enviornment using AWS console. When I tried to re...
它的响应是引言 .npmrc 配置文件 C:\Users\yiyun\.npmrc 其实 全局包 位置就在此配置文件,可以直接...
[{"name":"Amplify CLI","pkg":"@aws-amplify/cli","type":"npm","version":"latest"}] USER_DISABLE_TESTS 在构建过程中会跳过测试步骤。您可以禁用应用程序中所有分支或特定分支的测试。 此环境变量用于在构建阶段执行测试的应用程序。有关设置此变量的更多信息,请参阅为 Amplify 应用程序或分支关闭测试。
问来自Lambda的AWS Cognito adminCreateUser,使用Amplify CLI创建EN云开发是一种基于云原生架构的开发方法...
在本模块中,您将在应用程序中添加展示和编辑用户个人资料的功能。您将添加一个用于在用户完成注册后创建个人资料的 Amplify 函数。 您将创建一种 GraphQL API,该 API 使用由 Amazon DynamoDB(一种 NoSQL 数据库)提供支持的 AWS AppSync(一种 GraphQL 托管服务)。
在前端项目中引入 Amplify Amplify CLI 支持多种不同框架的代码生成,本文以 React 项目为例。首先使用 Create React App 新建 React 项目,并在生成的项目中运行amplify init命令。注意,该命令需要海外的 AWS 账号,会在海外的账号中部署一个只有 Cloud Formation 的 Amplify 项目,我们后面会用到这一步中生成...
如果您正在寻找有关使用 CLI 和 Amplify Studio 为第 1 代应用程序构建后端的文档,请参阅第 1 代 Amplify 文档中的构建和连接后端. Amplify Hosting 定价 AWS Amplify 是其中的一部分 AWS Free Tier.您可以免费开始使用,并在用量超出免费套餐限制后按 实际使用量付费.有关 Amplify Hosting 费用的信息,请参阅 ...
API interfaces to be shared across different amplfy-cli packages. Latest version: 1.2.5, last published: a year ago. Start using @aws-amplify/amplify-cli-shared-interfaces in your project by running `npm i @aws-amplify/amplify-cli-shared-interfaces`. The
To use the new syntax with 5.x.x you may need to rebuild your Datastore models with the latest version of Amplify codegen. To do this: Upgrade the Amplify CLI npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli Re-generate your models with Amplify codegen amplify codegen models Storage.list has chang...