Did you try using the latest version of the CLI? It should support windows. Author yhup... tried globally re-installing aws-amplify/cli tried globally updating aws-amplify/cli and tried the Getting Started tutorial.. still end up getting the same error:CREATE_FAILED GraphQLSchema AWS::AppSy...
Amplify 除了作为 AWS 上的服务外,还以开源项目的方式为开发者提供了多种工具帮助开发者使用 Amplify 的能力,如Amplify CLI 、 Amplify SDK 、 Amplify UI 等。 Amplify CLI 是 Amplify 服务团队开发的本地工具,帮助开发者在本地环境使用 Amplify 的各种能力。本文即将介绍如何借助 Amplify CLI ,在不需要编...
Hey guys, so I tried using the CLI with the Windows Linux subsystem(WSL) on windows and it works great. Highly encourage using the WSL for your Amplify development. We have updated our main README as well with the following. If you're using Windows, the CLI currently supports [Windows S...
对于第一个版本,Amplify CLI 可以在本地模拟: AppSyncGraphQL API,包括Amazon DynamoDB支持的解析器映射模板和存储。 AWS Lambda函数直接调用或作为 GraphQL API 的解析器调用。 Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)存储桶用作您应用程序的存储。 Amazon Cognito适合 GraphQL API 的用户池身份验证,但您首先需要从实...
引言 .npmrc 配置文件 C:\Users\yiyun\.npmrc 其实 全局包 位置就在此配置文件,可以直接修改此配置...
AWS CLI version 2, the latest major version of AWS CLI, is now stable and recommended for general use. To view this page for the AWS CLI version 2, click here. For more information see the AWS CLI version 2 installation instructions and migration guide. [ aws ] amplify¶ Description...
Amazon Amplify needs a basic requirement for installing Amplify CLI on your computer. You need to install Nodejs and Git. First, download and install NodeJS, Next, download and install Git, Step 2 Check both NodeJS and npm versions in your system by using the Command-line interface with th...
参照https://aws.amazon.com/amplify/ . Amplify Hosting AWS Amplify ホスティングは、高速、安全で信頼性の高い静的およびサーバー側のレンダリングアプリケーション向けのフルマネージド型の継続的インテグレーションおよび継続的デリバリー (CI/CD) およびホスティングサービスです。Amp...
App Runner Web App for Containers Easily deploy and run containerized web apps on Windows and Linux. Amplify Static Web Apps Boost productivity with a tailored developer experience, CI/CD workflows to build and deploy your static content hosting, and dynamic scale for integrated serverless APIs.End...