awk '{if ($1 > 50) print "Value greater than 50: ", $1; else print "Value not greater than 50: ", $1}' filename 7.循环结构: AWK 支持for和while循环结构,允许对文本进行迭代处理。 awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) print "Field", i, ":", $i}' filename 8.BEGIN 和 END ...
grep --extended-regexp--ignore-case "search_pattern" path/to/file - 【重要】Print 3 lines of context around, before, or after each match: grep --context|before-context|after-context=3 "search_pattern" path/to/file - 【重要】Print file name and line number for each match with color ou...
print [表达式,表达式,...]:打印一系列的表达式,表达式之间用输出分隔符OFS分隔,默认为空格,如果没有指定表达式,打印整个行,相当于print $0。 printf [格式,表达式,表达式,...]:按照指定的格式打印一系列的表达式,格式可以包含格式说明符,如%s表示字符串,%d表示十进制整数,%f表示浮点数等,如果没有指定格式,相当于...
Awk Example 3. Print only specific field. Awk has number of built in variables. For each record i.e line, it splits the record delimited by whitespace character by default and stores it in the $n variables. If the line has 4 words, it will be stored in $1, $2, $3 and $4. $0...
Print Report to File You can redirect the output of a print statement to a specific output file inside the awk script. In the following example the 1st print statement has "> report.txt", which creates the report.txt file and sends the output of the prints statement to it. All the subs...
awk '/localhost/{print}' /etc/hosts Awk Print Given Matching Line in a File Using Awk with (.) Wildcard in a Pattern The(.)will match strings containingloc,localhost,localnetin the example below. That is to say* l some_single_character c *. ...
awk'{print $0 $0}'// prints the entire line only onceawk'{print $0 $2}'// prints only $0...
Then our pattern,/^ compared against every input line and the action,{ counter+=1 ; }is executed for each input line, which counts the number of timestecmint.comappears in the file. Finally, theENDpattern will print the total number of times the domaintecmint.comappears in ...
The command instructions can specify that a specific field within the record be compared. By default, fields are separated by white space (blanks or tabs). Each field is referred to by a field variable. The first field in a record is assigned the$1variable, the second field is assigned th...
I would like you help in order to achieve this: I have to print the line matchi pattern and this is OK,but at the same time print a specific line after...