echo -e "A line 1\nA line 2" | awk 'BEGIN{ print "Start" } { print } END{ print "End" }' Start A line 1 A line 2 End 当使用不带参数的print时,它就打印当前行,当print的参数是以逗号进行分隔时,打印时则以空格作为定界符。在awk的print语句块中双引号是被当作拼接符使用,例如: echo |...
$ awk -F : '{if($3 == 0){print $1"是超级用户";num1++;}else if($3>1 && $3 <1000){print $1"是系统用户";num2++;}else{print $1 "是普通用户";num3++;}}END{print"超级用户有:"num1"系统用户有:"num2"普通用户有:"num3}' passwd root是超级用户 bin是普通用户 daemon是系统用户...
awk ' BEGIN { print "The number of times appears in the file is:" ; } /^ { counter+=1 ; } END { printf "%s\n", counter ; } ' $file else #print error info incase input is not a file echo "$file is not a file, please specify a file." >&2 && ...
$ awk'NR<3{print}NR>=3{for(i=0; i<NF; i++){printf "%s ",$(NF-i);} printf "\n"...
和BEGIN 关键字相对应,END 关键字允许我们指定一些脚本命令,awk 会在读完数据后执行它们。 示例 [root@localhost ~]# awk 'BEGIN {print "The data3 File Contents:"} > {print $0} > END {print "End of File"}' data3.txt The data3 File Contents: Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 End of File # 当 ...
Line1Line2Line3End of File 可以看到,当 awk 程序打印完文件内容后,才会执行 END 中的脚本命令。 七、条件操作符 条件操作符有:<、<=、==、!=、>=、~匹配正则表达式、!~不匹配正则表达式 匹配:awk '{if ($4~/ASIMA/) print $0}' temp.txt 表示如果第四个数据字段包含ASIMA,就打印整行数据 ...
(不包括选项和awk_script,实际就是输入文件的数目加1) ARGIND : 当前被处理的文件在数组ARGV内的索引( 实际上ARGV[1]就是第一个输入文件 ) 举例: awk ‘{print NR,NF,$0} END {print FILENAME}’ input_file ② 字段变量($0 $1 $2 $3 …): 当awk把当前输入记录分段时,会对这些字段变量赋值。和...
awk '/^d/ || /x$/ {print "ok"}' input_file 4) 其它表达式用作awk_script,如赋值表达式等 举例: awk '(tot+=$6); END{print "total points :" tot }' input_file// 分号不能省略 awk 'tot+=$6 {print $0} END{print "total points :" tot }' input_file // 与上面等效 ...
BEGIN { print "The number of times appears in the file is:" ; } /^ { counter+=1 ; } END { printf "%s\n", counter ; } ' $file After making the changes to theAwkcommand, the complete shell script now looks like this: ...
i need to get what log name is used the the running rsync i could do it using awk if the position is always the same but don't know how to get it when it changes... I was thinking to get all from field beginning with --log-file to the end of line, then i could easily get...