$awk -F:'{print $1,$3,$6}'OFS="\t"/etc/passwd -f指定脚本文件 //效果与awk -F":" '{print $1}'相同,只是分隔符使用FS在代码自身中指定 $awk -f .awk file BEGIN{ FS=":" } {print $1} $ awk'BEGIN{X=0} /^$/{ X+=1 } END{print "I find",X,"blank lines."}'test I ...
2、输出的item可以是字符串,也可以是数值,当前记录的字段,变量或者awk的表达式。 3、如省略item,相当于print $0; 演示: 2、变量,需要指定参数:-v 2.1、内建变量 FS:input Field Seperator:输入字段分隔符,默认为空白字符。 如:-v FS=“[,:;]”, OFS:output Field Seperator:输出字段分隔符,默认为空白字符。
/> awk '{if ($6 > 50) print $1 "Too hign"}' filename /> awk '{if ($6 > 20 && $6 <= 50) { safe++; print "OK}}' filename if (expression) { statement; } else { statement2; } /> awk '{if ($6 > 50) print $1 " Too high"; else print "Range is OK" }' fil...
A leading0(zero) acts as a flag that indicates that output should be padded with zeros instead of spaces. This applies even to non-numeric output formats. (d.c.) This flag only has an effect when the field width is wider than the value to print. ...
$NF=="ADD"{ ##Checking condition if last field is ADD then do following. print > (outFile) ##Printing current line to output file. } ' *.txt ##Passing all .txt files to awk program as an input. (查看英文版本获取更加准确信息)...
{ ++a[FILENAME] } END { for (file in a) if (a[file] == 1) print file, "has 1 line" else print file, "has", a[file], "lines" } The following program illustrates how you can use a two-dimensional array inawk. Assume the first field of each input record contains a product...
OFS The print statement output field separation; <space> by default. ORS The print statement output record separator; a <newline> by default. RLENGTH The length of the string matched by the match function. RS The first character of the string value of RS shall be the input record ...
Note, however, that merely referencing an out-of-range field does not change the value of either $0 or NF. Referencing an out-of-range field only produces an empty string. For example: if ($(NF+1) != "") print "can't happen" else print "everything is normal" should print ‘every...
This is useful when you don't know how many fields are present in the input and you need to specify field number from the end. $ # print the last field of each input line $ awk '{print $NF}' table.txt 42 -7 3.14 $ # print the last but one field $ awk '{print $(NF-1)}...
2. 字段(Field):为记录中被分隔开的子字符串。以数据行"A125 Jenny 100 210"为例, 一般是以空格符来分隔相邻的字段。( 参考:附录 D 内建变量"FS" ) 如何执行AWK 在UNIX的命令行上输入下列格式的指令:("$"表示Shell命令行上的提示符号) $awk'awk程序'数据文件名 ...