Compare Tab Separated Field with AWK to all and print lines of unique fields. Hi. I have a tab separated file that has a couple nearly identical lines. When doing: sort file | uniq > It passes through the nearly identical lines because, well, they still are unique. a) I wan...
Compare Tab Separated Field with AWK to all and print lines of unique fields. Hi. I have a tab separated file that has a couple nearly identical lines. When doing: sort file | uniq > It passes through the nearly identical lines because, well, they still are...
print every line longer than 80 characters length($0) > 80 print the number of fields in every line followed by the line itself: {print NF, $0} print the first two fields in opposite order, of every line { print $2, $1} Exchange the first two fields of every ine and then print t...
awk 'BEGIN { sum = 0 while ((getline line < "file.txt") > 0) { split(line, fields, " ") # 使用空格分割每行内容到数组fields sum += fields[3] # 将第二个字段的值加到sum中 if (sum > 50) continue else print "Sum =", sum } }' 如果sum 的值超过了 50,就会执行 continue 语句...
awk '/101/ {print $1$2}' file awk '/101/ {print $1 $2}' file 显示文件file的匹配行的第一、二个域,但显示时域中间没有分隔符。 3、df | awk '$4>1000000 ' 通过管道符获得输入,如:显示第4个域满足条件的行。 4、awk -F "|" '{print $1}' file 按照新的分隔符“|”进行操作。
awk ' {}END{for(i in a){print i,a[i] | "sort -r -n -k1";}}' 自定义函数, 适用于复杂的排序规则。 注: sort 有时候排序结果跟预期有出入, 需要设置 LC_ALL=C awk 语句。 使用外部变量 awk '{print a, b}' a=111 b=222 yourfile ...
有一个文本gamebill.txt,求出3个人累计消费的金额,按照金额的大小排序,需要使用awk的数组 ...
Example 5 Printing fields in reverse order { for (i = NF; i > 0; --i) print $i } Example 6 Print all lines between start/stop pairs: /start/, /stop/ Example 7 Print all lines whose first field is different from the previous one: ...
也有其他的工具能解决问题,但是经过检验 awk可以说是最好用的。说实话对于新手来说 awk上手可能会慢一些,但是用习惯了即将溜的飞起。 下面从我工作时常用的一些方式来阐述这个命令(网上也有很多的资料可以对比参考): 假设1.demo 文件内容如下: 1 2 3 4 abc 1 2 3 4 abcdce awk '{print ...