Hi experts, I need to print the first field first then last two fields should come next and then i need to print rest of the fields. Input : a1,abc,jsd,fhf,fkk,b1,b2 a2,acb,dfg,ghj,b3,c4 a3,djf,wdjg,fkg,dff,ggk,d4,d5 Expected output: a1,b1,b2,abc,jsd,fhf,fkk... ...
awk - print all fields except for last field How do I print all the fields of a record except for the $(NF) field? 9.Shell Programming and Scripting Compare Tab Separated Field with AWK to all and print lines of unique fields.
1. Print all lines 2. Remove a file header 3. Print lines in a range 4. Removing whitespace-only lines 5. Removing all blank lines 6. Extracting fields 7. Performing calculations column-wise 8. Counting the number of non-empty lines B. Using Arrays in AWK 9. A simple example of AWK...
The following prints a backspace after every field except Field4. This erases the last number in each of the first three fields. $awk'BEGIN \{ printf"Field 1\bField 2\bField 3\bField 4\n"}'Field Field Field Field4 In the following example, after printing every field, we do a "Car...
# awk 'BEGIN {print "First 3 coins"} NR<4' coins.txt First 3 coins gold 1 1986 USA American Eagle gold 1 1908 Austria-Hungary Franz Josef 100 Korona silver 10 1981 USA ingot 使用C 风格的 printf 格式化: # awk '{printf ("%s \t %3.2f\n", $1, $2)}' coins.txt gold 1.00 gold...
prints the first two fields of the file chapter2 with input fields separated by comma and blanks and tabs, and then adds up the first column, and prints the sum and average: BEGIN {FS = ",|[ \t]+"} {print $1, $2} {s += $1} END {print "sum is",s,"average is", s/NR...
In this example, the NR variable is used to omit the first line of the file. The output will show the 2nd, 3rd and 4th fields of all lines except the first line. $ awk -F ',' 'NR>1 {print 'Name:' $2 ', Email:' $3 ', Phone:' $4}' customer.csv...
b) For the input file addr.txt, display first field of lines not containing y. Consider space as the field separator for this file. $ awk ### add your solution here Hello This 12345 c) For the input file addr.txt, display all lines containing no more than 2 fields. $ awk ### ...
awk'NR % 6'#prints all lines except those divisible by 6awk'NR > 5'#prints from line 6 onwards (like tail -n +6, or sed '1,5d')awk'$2 == "foo"'#prints lines where the second field is "foo"awk'NF >= 6'#prints lines with 6 or more fieldsawk'/foo/ && /bar/'#prints ...
Print first two fields in opposite order:{ print $2, $1 } Same, with input fields separated by comma and/or blanks and tabs:BEGIN { FS = ",[ \t]*|[ \t]+" } { print $2, $1 }Add up first column, print sum and average:...