'/OMO account migration/ && /responseCode":"18"/ && $2 != $4 { print $2}'...
现在我需要把逗号修改为tab,可以用下方命令:awk '{$1=$1}1' FS="," OFS="\t" file4.csv >...
string t occurs, or 0 if it does not.match(s, r) the position in s where the regular expression r occurs, or 0 if it does not. The variables RSTART and RLENGTH are set to the position and length of the matched string.split(s, a, fs) splits the string s into array elements a...
I have changed from using regular expressions to string comparisons for exact matching of the fields. Thus, if you had "root" and "rootuser" this would only match "root" in field #1. This was one point that Hein had made.You could also do:# who -T|awk '$1=="root" && $NF~/...
In these cases, you must set the FIELDWIDTHS variable to match the layout of the data in the records. After you set the FIELDWIDTHS variable, awk ignores the FS and calculates data fields based on the provided field width sizes. Suppose we have this content: 1 2 3 4 5 1235.9652147.91...
For example, to check if a string matches two patterns with any number of characters in between. Quantifiers can be applied to both characters and groupings. Apart from ability to specify exact quantity and bounded range, these can also match unbounded varying quantities. First up, the ? meta...
More generally, the value of FS may be a string containing any regular expression. In this case, each match in the record for the regular expression separates fields. For example, the assignment: FS = ", \t" makes every area of an input line that consists of a comma followed by a ...
(regex,replacement) NAWK, GAWK | |sub(regex,replacement,string) NAWK, GAWK | |gsub(regex,replacement) NAWK, GAWK | |gsub(regex,replacement,string) NAWK, GAWK | |match(string,regex) NAWK, GAWK | |tolower(string) GAWK | |toupper(string) GAWK | +---+Most people first use AWK to perf...