$awk-f match.awkCali is presentin: CA is California Match sets the following two special variables. The above example uses these in the substring function call, to print the pattern in the success message. • RSTART - The starting location of the search-string • RLENGTH - The length ...
1. match(s,r) 根据正则表达式r返回其在字符串s中的位置坐标
int(x) Return the nearest integer to x, located between x and zero and truncated toward zero. For example, int(3) is 3, int(3.9) is 3, int(-3.9) is -3, and int(-3) is -3 as well. 1. log(x) Return the natural logarithm of x, if x is positive; otherwise, return NaN (...
In the following example, tolower() function is used to do case insensitive search. Here, the first word of each line of the input text will be converted to lower case by using tolower() function and match with the regular expression pattern. toupper() function can also be used for this...
http://www.example.org/1.html http://api.example.org/index.html http://upload.example.org/index.html http://img.example.org/3.html http://search.example.org/2.html 对相关信息进行统计[root@localhost ~]# awk -F[/]+ '{print $2}' domain.txt | uniq -c2 www.sswang.org ...
awk命令形式:awk [-F|-f|-v] ‘BEGIN{} //{command1; command2} END{}’ file [-F|-f|-v...
This function returns a copy of stringstrwith all lower-case characters converted to upper case. Example [jerry]$ awk'BEGIN { str = "hello, world !!!" print "Uppercase string = " toupper(str) }' On executing this code, you get the following result − ...
match(s,r) tolower(srt) toupper(str) split(字符串,数组,分隔符) gsub(r,s,[,t]) sub(r,s,[,t]) substr(s,i,[,n]) `5.4.内置时间函数` `5.5.用户自定义函数` 六、常用命令 七、常用技巧 `打印各磁盘可用大小` `统计磁盘可用容量` ...
length(s) 返回字符串长度,当没有给出s时,返回$0 的长度 match(s,r) 如果正则表达式r在s中匹配到,则返回出现的起始位置,否则返回0 split(s,a,sep)使用sep将字符串s分解到数组a中。默认sep为FS。 split( string, array, field separator ) 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 ...
ARGC argument count ARGV array of arguments FILENAME the name of the current input file RSTART index of the start of the matching pattern RLENGTH the length of the string matched by the match function CONVFMT conversion format used when converting numbers (default %.6g)The...