编辑部检查稿件是否符合杂志格式、材料要求。 5. With editor 稿件在编辑手中。 6. Editor assigned (Awaiting Editor Assignment) 主编将稿件分配给副主编。 7. Editor Declined Invitation 被指派编辑拒绝邀请,稿件等待重新分派给其它编辑。 8. Decision Letter Being Prepared 若在没有进行外审情况下看到这种状态,...
昨天是awaiting ae recommendation,今天就变成了Awaiting Co-Editor Decision, 老外不过新年吗?以前没...
请问Co-Editor和Section Editors与EIC有什么关系,cover letter是由EIC看还是EIC会分给Co-Editor或Section Editors看? 2019-08-12 回复1 nonono 想问下题主状态从“awaiting reviewer scores”变为“awaiting editor assignment”是什么意思 2019-04-18 回复1 任带逛 作者 你可以搜索一下什么意思,...
昨天是awaiting ae recommendation,今天就变成了Awaiting Co-Editor Decision, 老外不过新年吗?以前没...
The status "Awaiting reviewer assignment" indicates that the editor has sent out reviewer invitations. Once the requisite number of reviewers (generally 2 to 3) accept the invitation, the status changes to "Awaiting reviewer scores" which is the equivalent of "Under review." However, in your ca...
文章修改一次后,Awaiting EM Final Decision,已经有段时间了,还没有消息。这是什么状况?求解释!
Date received by Co-editor 19 July 2012 Awaiting referee reports (referees chased)请问Awaiting ...
完成投稿。此时作者会收到邮件提示。根据杂志不同,有的是邮件只发给通讯作者,有的会发给所有co-author。 2. Manuscript received by Editorial Office 稿件已在编辑部。 3. Awaiting admin processing 等待编辑处理。此时稿件将交给杂志社进行投稿格式及所需材料核查,满足要求后进入下一步,不符合杂志要求的将会退回稿...