“awaiting ae assignment”在IEEE的论文审稿流程中表示稿件已被主编分配到资深编辑后,等待分配给具体副主编(Associate Editor, AE)的阶段。 'Awaiting AE Assignment'的深入解析与优化建议 在学术研究与出版领域,尤其是涉及IEEE等权威学术机构的论文提交与评审过程中,'Awaiting AE Assi...
如题,12.4投稿至IEEE T-ASE,两三天状态就变成了Awaiting Associate Editor Assignment,但这个状态持续到现在都没有变,心里有点捉急,有没有朋友近期投稿的?或者有没有类似经验的分享一下大约多久会变更,按说这个状态不会持续很久。是不是国外放圣诞假了?
投了一篇自认为处于杂志scope边缘的文章,目前状态已进入Awaiting Associate Editor Assignment,这样是已经...
以前投出去一般几天就送审了啊,为什么这个一直都显示Awaiting Associate Editor Assignment ...
(3)Awaiting AE Assignment:当稿件被EIC分配到了某一SE后,状态变为Awaiting AE Assignment,SE需要考虑将稿件分给副主编Associate Editor(AE). Awaiting AEAssignment状态的持续时间一般1-3天左右。 (4)Awaiting Reviewer Assignment:当稿件被SE分配到了某一AE后,状态变为under review,AE开始邀请审稿人之后,稿件状态立...
awaiting ae assignment awaiting eic decision Awaiting AE Assignment: The process of publishing a research article in a reputable journal involves several steps, and one of these crucial steps is awaiting the assignment of an Associate Editor (AE) to handle the manuscript. This stage marks the ...
3. Awaiting AE Assignment:当稿件被EIC分配到SE后,SE需要决定将稿件分配给哪个副主编Associate Editor (AE)。这个阶段的状态变为Awaiting AE Assignment。这个阶段的持续时间一般为1-3天。 4. Awaiting Reviewer Assignment:当稿件被AE分配给了某个审稿人后,状态变为under review。这时,AE开始邀请审稿人,一旦收到足...
As it has been only two weeks since you submitted your paper and only one week since the status changed to ‘Awaiting Editor Assignment,’ you may need to wait for some time, let’s say, two-three weeks, for the next status update. If there is no update by then, you m...
With editor 如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态: (1).Awaiting Editor Assignment指派责任编辑 Editor assigned是把你的文章分给一个编辑处理了。 (2).technical check in progress 检查你的文章符不符合期刊投稿要求 (3).Editor Declined Invitation ...