Intraclass F1 score varied across different alertness levels and were 0.97 for "Alert", 0.43 for "Verbal", 0.49 for "Pain", and 0.83 for "Unresponsive". Findings were similar in analyses performed by age group and by the presence or absence of trauma. Conclusion We report an optimal ...
一些简单的评估方法还包括ACDU(alert,confused,drowsy,unresponsive)(A:清醒;C:恍惚;D:昏睡;U:无反应)、简化运动评分(simplified motor score,SMS)等。McNarry和Goldhill[11]对神经科患者的GCS和ACDU评分进行比较发现,GCS对应ACDU各级别的中位数分别...
院前指数法( Prehospital IndexMethod, PHI)作为一种伤情的定量评估手段,灵敏度、特异性高,且评分原理简单易懂,流程操作便捷,被广泛应用于临床急性创伤领域。 修正创伤评分(Revised trauma score,RTS)包括血压、呼吸、脉搏及意识等4个项目。RTS在急救中主要用于分类分拣和判断创伤患者的预后。
cut points for the GCS to correspond to the AVPU scale for pediatric emergency medical services (EMS) encounters.METHODSWe conducted a retrospective cross-sectional analysis using the 2019鈥 2022 National EMS Information System data set, including children (<18 years) with a GCS and AVPU score. ...
Early Warning ScorePatient assessmentPatient safetyPatient simulationto evaluate accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and inter-rater agreement of AVPU (Alert, Voice, Pain, Unresponsive) when used by non-specialist nursing staff assessing consciousness, and to investigate users' views. Video-recorded ...
The mean GCS score for each AVPU component was determined and a one way analysis of variance technique was employed. Results: 85 patients were included in the study to meet the required sample size with a minimum of 20 patients in each category of AVPU scale. One way analysis of vari...
Gaichas, AnnaRoesler, JonTsai, AlbertReid, SamuelSchiff, JeffreyKinde, MarkJournal of Head Trauma RehabilitationGaichas A, Roesler J Tsai A Reid S Schiff J Kinde M (2006) AVPU as a Severity Score for Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 21(5): 411...