Have you heard, “The patient is unconscious, breathing, and talking” and thought, “Huh?” AVPU (pronounced as ave poo) or the AVPU scale — a tool used to assess the patient’s brain perfusion and function — describes a patient’s level of consciousness. All healthcare providers, ...
avpu - alert voice pain unresponsive scaleOBJECTIVESConsciousness assessment is an important component in the prehospital care of ill or injured children. Both the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and the Alert, Verbal, Pain, Unresponsive (AVPU) scale are used for this purpose. We sought to identify ...
常用的评分方法包括格拉斯哥昏迷量表(Glasgow coma scale,GCS)、儿童脑功能分类量表(pediatric cerebral performance category scale,PCPC)、AVPU反应评级(alert,responsive to verbal stimulation,responsive to painful stimulation,unresponsive)等。这些评估方法...
意识状态的评估需要包括神经系统的全部指标。目前,医学界广泛采用的方法是Glasgow昏迷评分(Glasgow Coma Scale,GCS)法和AVPU法。GCS方法 GCS方法是近年来应用最为广泛的一种方法,它主要是通过检测病人的视觉反应、言语表达和运动能力来评估病人的意识状态。其中,视觉反应是指病人是否能自主张开眼睛并注视...
4)患者的体格检查和急诊处置应同步进行,遵循ABC(airway、breathe、circulation)原则,判断GCS评分(Glasgow Coma Scale),有需要时先行气道保护,稳定生命体征。 如患者有明确的颅脑外伤病史,应注意颈椎保护。 稳定生命体征后进行从头到脚的体格检查。充分暴露患者,检查外伤情况、皮肤完整性。
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The AVPU scale has been developed for rapid neurologic assessment oftraumatic patients and for those in need of advanced life support (1,4). RASS has been developed to assess agitation-sedation status of critical patients in intensive care unit (5,6).Because there has been no standardized ...