Average daily gain is calculated by dividing the change in body weight during the elapsed period (units usually pounds or kilograms/day) View chapterExplore book The effect of feeding antibiotic growth promoters on the performance of beef cattle consuming forage-based diets: A review G. ...
If information of maternal grand sires are not available, the sire model with incomplete pedigree information included only sire of sire (Model 2) is optimal among the sire models evaluated in this study. 展开 关键词: beef cattle, carcass characteristics, maternal effect, sire evaluation ...
In order to ensure the chemical safety of bovine meat, the aim was to explore the dependency of the bioconcentration (BCF) and biotransfer (BTF) factor, and assimilation efficiency (AE) of PCBs on carcass lipid proportion and growth rate of beef cattle. Eleven bulls were fattened for 293 ...
The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids was always higher in feedlot-fed cattle at the end of the grazing season, but in 2013, when all cattle were nearing slaughter weight, the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio was 50% higher for feedlot-fed than for BFT-fed cattle and double that of...
News: 150 days from birth is the average time you need to sell your pigs for slaughter and it is about 85 kgs on average.The NIRD-CVL mastitis control method. Pages 24-39 in Mastitis Control and Herd Management,Tech. system, from the Dutch electronics and management systems company ...