In the data that was released, daily cattle slaughter estimates showed that there was a27,000 dropin heads of cattle compared to last week. JBS alone handles about 22,500 cattle each day,according to Bloomberg. The JBS statement said the company's backup servers w...
broiler, and turkey forecasts for the fourth quarter are partly offset by lower pork. Beef production is raised with higher expected cattle slaughter as well as heavier carcass weights. Pork production is lowered on lighter carcass weights. Broiler and turkey production are raised on current...
USDA revises standards for humane cattle slaughterThe article reports on the move of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) to revise its standards for human cattle staff
USDA bans slaughter of downer cattleNeil Nisperos
Our estimates, using the same methods, differ substantially from theirs, causing us to challenge their conclusion that "cow slaughter as a percentage of total slaughter is substantially larger in nonfederally inspected plants" (Keith and Purcell, p. 568). Our estimates also vary widely, which ...