Average Salary in 221 CountriesWe have researched and collated average salary information for 3,628 different jobs in 221 countries. To find out more about the average salary of a job in a specific country, click on the country name below to get started....
Russia USD 254 USD 4,490 The Philippines USD 201 USD 3,534 India USD 98 USD 1,737 Sri Lanka USD 71 USD 1,249 Myanmar USD 66 USD 1,157 Source: Salaryexplorer.com Minimum wage in Asia The minimum wage is the lowest compensation an employer has to give an employee for their hourly se...
Note: The source has not provided data for Russia, the UK, Switzerland, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Liechtenstein, Andorra, San Marino, Monaco, and Vatican City. Bulgariarecords the lowest average salary in this dataset at €8/hour.
Instead, in the article, we’ll look at the average salary in Latin America for some countries based on their economic development and ease of outsourcing. We’ll also consider various components of this average salary figure, such as median salary, salary range, and minimum salary laws. What...
Note: The source has not provided data for Russia, the UK, Switzerland, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Liechtenstein, Andorra, San Marino, Monaco, and Vatican City. Bulgariarecords the lowest average salary in this dataset at €8/hour.
DEFINITION: Average Monthly Disposable Salary (After Tax). Based on 0-50 contributions for Afghanistan, Aland Islands, Andorra and 81 more countries and 50-100 contributions for Albania, Algeria, Armenia and 19 more countries and over 100 contributions for Argentina, Australia, Austria and 82 ...
Russia: $30k/year (2.19m/year) Spain: $40k/year (€34k/year) China: $45k/year (CN¥288k/year) Portugal: $47k/year (€40k/year) Romania: $20k/year (RON 84k/year) India: $8k/year (₹629k/year) Backend Developer Salary by Programming Language We mentioned earlier that a back...
as many times players are given cars, houses or gifts in addition to monetary income. The average team salary for a team in Europe is about $17 million, with teams in Greece, Russia, Spain and Italy often having bigger budgets. The highest-paid European players make between $2.8 million ...
In France, it is possible to receive a “return-to-work” benefit while working, provided this does not exceed the daily reference salary. This is “salaire journalier de reference”/ SJR. German workers can work for less than 15 hours per week and still continue to receive their unemployme...
Full-time workers in London earned an average salary of around 24 British pounds an hour, compared with workers in North East England, who only earned an average of 16.53 pounds an hour, the highest and lowest average hourly wages in the United Kingdom respectively. ...