The average monthly net salary in Asia is USD 1,069. Singapore has the highest average monthly salary (USD 6,332), while Syria has the lowest (USD 60). This is based on the exchange rates in April 2023. Here are the average monthly salaries of different countries in Asia: Country/Reg...
Note: The source has not provided data for Russia, the UK, Switzerland, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Liechtenstein, Andorra, San Marino, Monaco, and Vatican City. Bulgariarecords the lowest average salary in this dataset at €8/hour.
Note: The source has not provided data for Russia, the UK, Switzerland, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Liechtenstein, Andorra, San Marino, Monaco, and Vatican City. Bulgariarecords the lowest average salary in this dataset at €8/hour. The map indicatesNorthern and Western Europehave higher aver...
Instead, in the article, we’ll look at the average salary in Latin America for some countries based on their economic development and ease of outsourcing. We’ll also consider various components of this average salary figure, such as median salary, salary range, and minimum salary laws. What...
In France, it is possible to receive a “return-to-work” benefit while working, provided this does not exceed the daily reference salary. This is “salaire journalier de reference”/ SJR. German workers can work for less than 15 hours per week and still continue to receive their unemployme...
Russia: $30k/year (2.19m/year) Spain: $40k/year (€34k/year) China: $45k/year (CN¥288k/year) Portugal: $47k/year (€40k/year) Romania: $20k/year (RON 84k/year) India: $8k/year (₹629k/year) Backend Developer Salary by Programming Language We mentioned earlier that a back...
Russia: $14k/year (1m₽/year) India: $9k/year (₹665k/year) Indonesia: $6k/year (Rp 92m/year) Romania: $5k/year (RON 19k/year) Ukraine: $1k/year (₴28k/year) Freelance Node.js Developer Salaries Freelancing can introduce somewhat of a wild card to your potential salary. Whe...
Full-time workers in London earned an average salary of around 24 British pounds an hour, compared with workers in North East England, who only earned an average of 16.53 pounds an hour, the highest and lowest average hourly wages in the United Kingdom respectively. ...
23. Sberbank of Russia 24. Bank of Communications 25. Société Générale FRM certified also recruited by top Global Professional Service Firms including PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, and KPMG. How Can FRM Salary-Related Information Be Useful For Professionals? FRM...
Want to enter the field as a Laravel developer? Then you should find out what the average Laravel developer salary is. Here's the latest.