The number of hours you work doesn’t necessarily reflect on your eligibility to receive unemployment benefits. If you work part-time, you may still be entitled to collect some benefits or apply for Unemployment Insurance (UI). Generally, this is based on your gross wage (total wage before t...
Average full-time hourly wage in the UK 2004-2024, by age group Average annual earnings for full-time employees in the UK 2024, by region Average full-time weekly wage in the UK 2023, by region Average full-time hourly wage in the UK 2024, by region Pay gap between white and ethnic ...
The minimum wage is the lowest compensation an employer has to give an employee for their hourly service. Here are the minimum wages in some prominent countries of Asia: Country Minimum Wage per Month (USD) China USD 376 Malaysia USD 338 The Philippines USD 202 Russia USD 199 Kazakhstan USD...
Russia: $30k/year (2.19m/year) Spain: $40k/year (€34k/year) China: $45k/year (CN¥288k/year) Portugal: $47k/year (€40k/year) Romania: $20k/year (RON 84k/year) India: $8k/year (₹629k/year) Backend Developer Salary by Programming Language We mentioned earlier that a back...
In July 2023,Puerto Rico increased its hourly wageto 9.50 USD, which is higher than the Federal Minimum Wage. 10. Uruguay The South American country,Uruguay, is a developing, high-income country and ranks first when it comes to the prosperity of its citizens and the size of the middle cla...
“Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people”- Eleanor Roosevelt
Russia: $14k/year (1m₽/year) India: $9k/year (₹665k/year) Indonesia: $6k/year (Rp 92m/year) Romania: $5k/year (RON 19k/year) Ukraine: $1k/year (₴28k/year) Freelance Node.js Developer Salaries Freelancing can introduce somewhat of a wild card to your potential salary. Whe...