In 2023, the average exchange rate from pounds sterling to Indonesian rupiah amounted to approximately 19,760, meaning that one pound could buy 19,760 Indonesian rupiah.
Philippine Peso Polish Zloty Qatari Riyal Romanian New Leu Russian Ruble Saudi Arabian Riyal Singapore Dollar South African Rand Sri Lankan Rupee Swedish Krona Swiss Franc Taiwan New Dollar Thai Baht Trinidadian Dollar Turkish Lira Emirati Dirham British Pound US Dollar Venezuelan BolivarPercent...
约旦Foreign Exchange Rate: Buying: Period Average: Sterling Pound的相关指标 相关指标数值频率范围 外汇汇率:买入:期内平均:英镑 (JOD/GBP)1.002018-04月1999-01 - 2018-04 外汇汇率:买入:期内平均:欧元 (EUR/JOD)0.741Dec 2024月Jan 1999 - Dec 2024 ...
The exchange rate presented here is the price of the British pound in U.S. dollars, that is, the number of U.S. dollars per British pound. This is the traditional way in which the relative price of the two currencies is compared. The exchange rate between the United States dollar and...
"Heightened fear of recession risk has helped to keep US policy rate pricing inverted from early 2023 to early 2026 and may help to explain why equity volatility is higher than the macro landscape would generally predict," wrote Wilson in a note to clients Tuesday. "Even so, markets will ne...
In 2023, the average exchange rate from Singaporean dollars (SDG) to Indonesian rupiah (IDR) amounted to approximately 11,711, meaning that one Singapore dollar could buy 11,711 Indonesian rupiah. Average exchange rate of Singapore dollars (SGD) to Indonesian rupiah (IDR) from 2009 to 2023 ...
In 2023, the average exchange rate from Chinese renminbi to Singapore dollar amounted to approximately 0.19, meaning that one Chinese renminbi could buy 0.19 Singapore dollar.
In 2023, the average exchange rate from 100 New Taiwan dollar to Singapore dollar amounted to approximately 4.31, meaning that 100 New Taiwan dollar could buy 4.31 Singapore dollar.
约旦2018-04的约旦 Foreign Exchange Rate: Buying: Period Average: Lebanese Pound是多少? 数值 前次数值 最小值 最大值 单位 频率 范围 0.47 2018-04 0.47 2018-03 0.47 2003-11 0.47 2011-02 JOD/1000 LBP 月 1999-01 - 2018-04 约旦Foreign Exchange Rate: Buying: Period Average:...