Convert Pound Sterling To EuroUpdated: 29/11/2024 05:11 UTCCurrency: EUR - Euro GBP - Pound SterlingConversion Rate: 1 EUR = 0.83172 GBP 1 GBP = 1.20232 EURCountry: European Union United KingdomFlag:Region: Europe EuropeSub-Unit: 1 Euro = 100 cents 1 Pound = 100 pence...
Convert EUR, at the 2024-12-02 exchange rate, to GBP Enter value to convert EUR Convert GBP 1 EUR = 0.82898 GBP 1 GBP = 1.20630 EUR Back to the conversion of EUR to other currencies Other amounts - From EUR to GBP Convert 1 EUR to GBP Convert 2 EUR to GBP Convert 5 EUR to ...
Euro to Egyptian Pound conversion rate Exchange Rates shown are estimates, vary by a number of factors including payment and payout methods, and are subject to change.Money transfers made easy with the Western Union® app Send money on the go, or start on our app and pay in-store. Track...
1 EUR to GBP Exchange Calculator Amount Currency from×Euro (EUR) Currency To×British Pound Sterling (GBP) How much is 1 EUR in GBP? Euro to British Pound Sterling converter. 1 EUR is 0.829000 GBP. So, you've converted1EURto0.829000GBP. We used1.206273International Currency Exchange Rate....
This is the page of Euro (EUR) to British Pound (GBP) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing ...
Euro vs Pound Sterling 0.828710.07% vs EURtoGBP 0.82871 EURCAD Euro vs Canadian Dollar 1.498070.14% vs EURtoCAD 1.49807 EURJPY Euro vs Yen 161.9100.02% vs EURtoJPY 161.910 XAUEUR Gold vs Euro 2525.700.09% XAUvs XAUtoEUR 2525.70
The average exchange rate of the euro to the pound nearly reached 0.9 GBP over the course of 2022, a figure lower than in previous years. This according to a comparison between average monthly and daily exchange rates. Figures changed especially in the second half of 2022, after the British...
EUR to GBP exchange rate. Live and history Euro to British Pound exchange rates chart. Best EUR to GBP exchange rates tool, converter.
Exchange rate 5.12.2024 Great Britain GBP Pound 0.828 -0 1.2077 Exchange rate 4.12.2024 Great Britain GBP Pound 0.8283 -0.003 1.2073 Exchange rate 3.12.2024 Great Britain GBP Pound 0.8312 0.002 1.203 Exchange rate 2.12.2024 Great Britain GBP Pound 0.829 -0.003 1.2063 Exchange rate 29.11.2024 Gre...
EUR exchange rate was last updated on December 08, 2024 01:45:01 UTC. British poundis a currency of United Kingdom, Guernsey, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Isle of Man, Jersey, Zimbabwe, Alderney. The sign of British pound is£, ISO code is GBP. ...