edited This issue was created based on the MPEG exploration on this topic. This may make sense as avc3/hev1 are more flexible and therefore more suitable for live content. avc1/hvc1 are essentially a subset. Consider updating 5.3.8 and 5.3.9 accordingly ...
日本山武YAMATAKE *销售销售担当:李进耀:- 306手机: :http://www.shlie.com.cn DMC10S2TR0100 DMC10S2TR01D0 DMC10S2TR01Y0 DMC10S2TR0200 DMC10S2TR02D0 DMC10S2TR0300 DMC10S2TR03D0 DMC10S2TR03Y0 DMC10S2TR0400 DMC10S2TR04D0 DMC10S2TR04Y0 DMC10S2TV0100 DMC10S2TV01D0 DMC10S2TV01...
度过了特别特别开心的两天。 冬天的阿那亚 我真的太爱了。#阿那亚只有0次和无数次 #每一帧都是热爱 #这是冬天海边的颜色 #幸福具象化 #享受自由 烦躁纷扰的世界里,一片可以安心小憩的净土。 度过了特别特别开心的两天。 冬天的阿那亚 我真的太爱了。#阿那亚只有0次和无数次 #每一帧都是热爱 #这是冬天...