1、mp4封装的avc1编码 mp4封装的avc1编码(不带起始码的H264编码格式)视频如果直接用av_read_frame接口读取然后播放是不能播放成功的。因为读取出来的数据不带PPS/SPS、起始码这三种信息。 必须添加上后才能播放。 sps,pps之后就是I帧的数据起始码为00 00 00 01或00 00 01 上图中黑框内就是sps和psp数...
(三)最后,分享一下ffmpeg demux MP4文件后,转换视频流为live555可直接使用的h264 ES流的经验和方法: 针对(avc1),av_read_frame后,取前四个字节为长度,把前四字节直接替换为0×00,0×00,0×00,0×01即可,但注意每个frame可以有多个NAUL: AVPacket pkt ; AVPacket * packet = &pkt ; av_init_packet (...
针对(avc1),av_read_frame后,取前四个字节为长度,把前四字节直接替换为0×00,0×00,0×00,0×01即可,但注意每个frame可以有多个NAUL: AVPacket pkt; AVPacket* packet=&pkt; av_init_packet(packet); av_read_frame(ctx, packet); if(packet->stream_index==0) {//is video stream constchar start...
IT之家 3 月 9 日消息,国外科技媒体 tomshardware 近日展开了一项 AVC、HEVC 和 AV1 的视频编码测试,结果显示 AMD GPU 仍落后于英伟达、英特尔。IT之家附本次测试的第 13 代平台如下:处理器:英特尔酷睿 i9-13900K主板:微星 MEG Z790 Ace DDR5内存:G.Skill 三叉戟 Z5 2 条 16GB DDR5-6600 CL34硬...
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DMC10S2TR01Y0 DMC10S2TR0200 DMC10S2TR02D0 DMC10S2TR0300 DMC10S2TR03D0 DMC10S2TR03Y0 DMC10S2TR0400 DMC10S2TR04D0 DMC10S2TR04Y0 DMC10S2TV0100 DMC10S2TV01D0 DMC10S2TV01Y0 DMC10S2TV0200 DMC10S2TV02D0 DMC10S2TV03D0 DMC10S2TV03Y0 DMC10S2TV0400 DMC10S2TV04D0 DMC10S2TV04Y0...
cbSequenceHeader: The length of thedwSequenceHeaderarray in bytes. dwProfile: Specifies the H.264 profile. dwLevel: Specifies the H.264 level. dwFlags: The number of bytes used for the length field that appears before eachNALU. The length field indicates the size of the following NALU in ...
hdr: AVIDEOINFOHEADER2structure that describes the bitstream. No color table is present after theBITMAPINFOHEADERportion of the structure, andbiClrUsedmust be zero. dwStartTimeCode: Not used. Set to zero. cbSequenceHeader: The length of thedwSequenceHeaderarray in bytes. ...
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