CompletionWindow实际上不会有焦点-相反,它劫持WPF键盘输入事件在文本区域,并通过它的列表框传递。这允许同时使用键盘和编辑器中的常规输入选择完成列表中的条目。 为了完整性,这里是实现MyCompletionData类使用在上面的代码: 隐藏,收缩,复制Code /// Implements AvalonEdit ICompletionData interface to provide the ...
在AvalonEdit 通过 CompletionWindow 类做到代码自动补全,需要先自己继承 ICompletionData 接口创建提示数据 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 publicclassCompletionData:ICompletionData{publicCompletionData(string text){Text=text;}publicImageSourceImage=>null;publicstring Text{get;}public...
在AvalonEdit 通过 CompletionWindow 类做到代码自动补全,需要先自己继承 ICompletionData 接口创建提示数据 public class CompletionData : ICompletionData { public CompletionData(string text) { Text = text; } public ImageSource Image => null; public string Text { get; } public object Content => Text;...
要实现自动完成功能,可以创建一个继承自CompletionWindow的类,并实现ICompileCompletionData接口来提供自动完成的项。 代码折叠 AvalonEdit支持代码折叠,可以通过添加FoldingManager和FoldingStrategy来实现。这允许用户折叠和展开代码块,从而提高代码的可读性。 自定义行为 AvalonEdit的扩展性还体现在可以通过继承和封装其内部组件...
用 WPF 开发一个代码编辑器的难度很低,因为行业里面有很多小伙伴开发过,这些小伙伴将自己的代码开源了...
var completionWindow = new CompletionWindow(textEditor.TextArea); completionWindow.CloseWhenCaretAtBeginning = true; IList<ICompletionData> completionData = completionWindow.CompletionList.CompletionData; completionData.Add(new MyCompletionData("Item 1")); completionData.Add(new MyCompletionData("Item 2...
AvalonEdit Syntax Highlighting, Folding and Code Completion example. syntax-highlightingcsharpwpfavalonedit UpdatedApr 23, 2020 C# A notepad app using WPF (or Avalonia), and AvalonEdit as a text editor notepadwpfavaloniaavalonedit UpdatedMay 17, 2024 ...
AvalonEdit comes with a code completion drop down window. You only have to handle the text entering events to determine when you want to show the window; all the UI is already done for you. Here's how you can use it: C# Shrink ▲ ...
ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.CodeCompletion: CompletionWindow — shows a drop-down list for code completion ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit: TextEditor — the main control that brings it all together Here is the visual tree of the TextEditor control: It's important to understand that AvalonEdit ...