code completion after the user has pressed dot: completionWindow = new CompletionWindow(textEditor.TextArea); IList<ICompletionData> data = completionWindow.CompletionList.CompletionData; data.Add(new MyCompletionData("Item1")); data.Add(new MyCompletionData("Item2")); data.Add(new MyCompletion...
This code will open the code completion window whenever '.' is pressed. By default, theCompletionWindowonly handles key presses like Tab and Enter to insert the currently selected item. To also make it complete when keys like '.' or ';' are pressed, we attach another handler to theTextEn...
AvalonEdit Syntax Highlighting, Folding and Code Completion example. syntax-highlightingcsharpwpfavalonedit UpdatedApr 23, 2020 C# A notepad app using WPF (or Avalonia), and AvalonEdit as a text editor notepadwpfavaloniaavalonedit UpdatedMay 17, 2024 ...
<li>ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.CodeCompletion: <code>CompletionWindow</code> — shows a drop-down list for code completion</li> <li>ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit: <code>TextEditor</code> — the main control that brings it all together</li> </ul> <p> Here is the visual tree of the <...
在AvalonEdit 通过 CompletionWindow 类做到代码自动补全,需要先自己继承 ICompletionData 接口创建提示数据 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 publicclassCompletionData:ICompletionData{publicCompletionData(string text){Text=text;}publicImageSourceImage=>null;publicstring Text{get;}public...
在CompletionWindow (CodeCompletion命名空间)中使用AvalonEdit时,在F#中使用白线而不是单词 、、、 我正在使用F#代码中的AvalonEditC#库,并执行代码完成。一切看起来都像预期的那样工作,代码完成窗口被显示出来,每一行的工具提示被正确地弹出,选定的单词被插入到文档中。以下是从AvalonEdit帮助中提取并重写为F#的MyComplet...
code-completion icsharpcode regex text-editor winforms xml 按时间 按得票 67得票1回答 AvalonEdit: 级联高亮显示颜色器 我想级联AvalonEdit的SyntaxHighlighting引擎。我有2个“HighlightingDefinitions”。第一个是主语法,第二个是复杂的多行预处理器标记语言。因此,将第二个语法嵌入第一个语法太复杂了。
Code completion. Fully customizable and extensible. Line numeration. Display whitespaces EOLs and tabs. Line virtualization. Multi-caret edition. Intra-column adornments. Word wrapping. Scrolling below document. Hyperlinks. and many,many more!
用 WPF 开发一个代码编辑器的难度很低,因为行业里面有很多小伙伴开发过,这些小伙伴将自己的代码开源了...