阿瓦达索命咒Avada Kedavra 双语例句 1. A spell can be´deflected´ and´rebound,´ as Voldemort´s attempted Avada Kedavra against Harry in 1981 did (GF 33). 一个咒语可以“偏斜”或“反弹”,就像在1981年,伏地魔被哈利反弹回的阿瓦达索命咒击中(火焰杯第33章)。
At instalment 29, where the spell is introduced to the Hogwarts students, the translator gives a footnote explaining the meaning of Avada Kedavra. The footnote reads: Avada = avatar, hiện hình. Kedavra = cadaver, xác chết. That is, Avada Kedavra is derived from 'Avatar cadaver', ...
In-game, Avada Kedavra is an instant kill spell with a long cooldown timer, making it an invaluable tool for players to use. While there is no morality system in the game or currently known punishment for using the Unforgivable Curses, friendly characters and companions will react to the pla...
阿瓦达索命咒(Avada Kedavra)是小说《哈利·波特》中的一种魔咒,这个短语很可能出自魔法词典在《哈利·波特》中,是一种 … baike.baidu.com|基于262个网页 3. 阿瓦达索命索命咒 哈利波特的魔法咒语_百度知道 ... 5.给我指路指路咒 Poine me 6.阿瓦达索命索命咒Avada Kedavra7.魂魄出窍夺魂咒 Imperio ... ...
taboo curse when confronted with a challenging enemy. Here's a look at how to learn the Avada Kedavra curse inHogwarts Legacy, including all other details you need to know before using the spell. It'll take quite a bit of time to unlock Avada Kedavra, but no doubt it's worth the ...
阿瓦达索命咒Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达图尔Avadattur 阿瓦达西高中Arvada West High School 双语例句 1. A spell can be´deflected´ and´rebound,´ as Voldemort´s attempted Avada Kedavra against Harry in 1981 did (GF 33). 一个咒语可以“偏斜”或“反弹”,就像在1981年,伏地魔被哈利反弹回的阿瓦达索...
But the theories don't end there.Redditor canvaverbalistweighed in with yet another idea: It might be thatAvada Kedavrawas originally meant as a spell not to kill, but toheal. The words "abracadabra" derive from Aramic, or"let the thing be destroyed."Canvaverbalist took this a step furt...
网络余来 网络释义 1. 余来 乃木坂春香的全裸h贴图 -... ... 五十岚堇瑟 IEONG余来avada唯我独朱 wmlbstc ... www.sosg.net|基于 1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,余来