2024年8月1日,澳门大学沈汉明教授团队在Autophagy上发表文章Spautin-1 promotes PINK1-PRKN-dependent mitophagy and improves associative learning capability in an Alzheimer disease animal model。 作者发现,在线粒体受损伤的情况下,spa...
[30] de Haas, R., et al., To be or not to be pink(1): contradictoryfindings in an animal model for Parkinson's disease. Brain Commun,2019. 1(1): p. fcz016. [31] Liu, Y.T., et al., Mt-Keima detects PINK1-PRKN mitophagy in vivo withgreater sensitivity than mito-QC. Autop...
bmps signal pathway骨形态发生蛋白信号通路(bone morphogenetic proteins signal pathway) clinical pathway临床路径 cyclooxygenase pathway环氧合酶途径 cytosolic pathways胞质溶胶途径 erk pathway心肌保护 ergosterol biosynthesis pathway麦角固醇生物合成途径 floral pathway integrators开花途径整合子 gentisate pathway龙胆酸途径...
[5] Sakai J, Rawson RB, Espenshade PJ, Cheng D, Seegmiller AC, Goldstein JL, et al.Molecularidentification of the sterol-regulated luminal protease that cleaves SREBPs and controls lipid composition of animal cells.Molecular ce...
They are for reference only.Animal Sub-confluent A549 cells are trypsinized and then suspended in serum free RPMI 1640 medium. The cellAdministration 5 suspension (1106 cells in 100 L medium for each inject 11、ion) is injected subcutaneously into both the rightand left flanks of eight-week ...
TBHQ powder was directly mixed with the animal food powder at a ratio of 1% (w/w) as described previously. The efficacy of this protocol for TBHQ treatment in vivo has also been validated by other groups. TBHQ treatment was continued for 4 weeks after the TAC surgery [3]. 别名 特丁基对...
4. 不同实验动物依据体表面积的等效剂量转换表请参考如下网页: http://www.beyotime.com/support/animal-dose.htm Version 2017.11.01 2 / 2 SC5498 Spautin-1 (Autophagy抑制剂) 400-1683301/800-8283301 碧云天/Beyotime http-equiv="content-type" ...
溶液配制5mg加入1.84ml DMSO,或者每2.71mg加入1ml DMSO,配制成10mM溶液。SC5498-10mM用DMSO配制。 生物信息: 产品描述Spautin-1是一种有效的特异性autophagy抑制剂,抑制USP10和USP13的去泛素化活性,IC50为~0.6-0.7μM。 信号通路Autophagy 靶点USP10USP10USP13-- ...
·· 药学学报 Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica 20 16, 51 ( 1): 9 17 9 金森病中的自噬途径与关键药物靶点 欧阳亮, 张岚, 刘博* ( 四川大学华西医院, 生物治疗国家重点实验室, 生物治疗协同创新中心, 四川 成都 610041) 摘要: 帕金森病 (PD) 是一种常见的神经退行性疾病。在过去几十年中, 对PD 的发病机制...
areperfusionmodelwereestablished,theexperimentalanimalwererandomlydividedinto3groups:shamoperationgroup (Shamgroup,n=10),ischemiareperfusiongroup(I/Rgroup,n=10),IPCtreatmentgroup(IPCgroup,n=30),inIPC group,accordingtoischemicpreconditioningtime,ratsweredividedinto1d,3d,5dsubgroups,10ratsineachgroup.Af terisc...